Alvany Santiago - Brazil Visiting Fellow Profile

Alvany Santiago profile photoAlvany Santiago is an international academic visitor who is visiting Birmingham Business School under the University of Birmingham’s Brazil Visiting Fellows Scheme for three months (February-April 2015). Alvany is a chair in HRM at the Federal University of Sao Francisco Valley in Brazil and is collaborating with Dr Pamela Robinson developing a study on “Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility Initiatives: United Kingdom (UK)/European and Brazilian companies, leading to a comparative analysis”. The main objective of the visit is to collaborate on research and to develop a partnership between Univasf, which is located in Petrolina, Pernambuco State in Brazil and the University of Birmingham. During this visit Alvany will also join the GVC Research Cluster group.

Alvany is a professor of Human Resource Management, lecturer in Administration General Theories, Ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility, and Labor Relations and Inclusive Practices. Alvany is also the head of the research group Career Management and Development of Competences, registered at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)/Univasf, and a member of General Research Committee at her university. At the international level, Alvany is a council member for the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) since November 2012 ( and a member of Job Descriptions and Statutes Committee for Servas International (

Alvany obtained her PhD degree in Psychology from the Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil, her Masters in Industrial Relations from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; revalidated in Brazil by the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and a BSc in Sociology from the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil. Alvany has developed an interdisciplinary career, holding administrative positions, as Pro-Chancellor for community affairs and Univasf Council member (2004-2009), Business School Dean (20112012) and as head of the Internship Coordination at the Business School (2014-2015). 


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