New Collaboration between the Financial Resilience Cluster at Birmingham Business School, and Engineering Department DIME, University of Genoa, Italy

Dr Eliana Lauretta, post-doc international fellow at the Business School, member of the Financial Resilience Cluster, recently (3-14 May 2015) visited the Engineering Department DIME, University of Genoa Italy, to start a new multidisciplinary research collaboration for a project with Prof. Silvano Cincotti, Prof. Marco Raberto and the Ph.D student Andrea Mazzocchetti.

This collaboration is nested in the prestigious Symphony project funded by the European Commission (see the webpage Symphony aims to understanding the complex global dynamics of our economic and social system in order to find adequate tools to prevent future crises improving the resilience of the global economy, given what the economic and financial system experienced during and after the 2007-2009 financial crisis. In particular, it is crucial to learn about the finance-growth relationship investigating the financial system complex architecture today established and the financial innovation role within this architecture.

The international collaboration between our department of Finance and the Engineering Department DIME in Genoa aims to reproduce the entire financial system with its recourse to the securitization and the financial engineering creation of financial products, like ABS, CDS, CDOs etc. This will be implemented within the EURACE environment (a large-scale agent-based model able to replicate a fully integrated macroeconomy).

Thanks to this collaboration we have the chance to share the common scientific interest to contribute to the development of a framework for designing and testing policies and regulatory measures encompassing the prevention and mitigation of the economic and financial crises and promoting sustainable growth policies.

This multidisciplinary and international bridge built between University of Birmingham and University of Genoa thanks to Eliana Lauretta is going to be the first milestone for a promising future development of an ABM study section within our Business School.  Working together with the colleagues in Genoa will create the basis for establishing a stable collaboration and integrate AMB network in Birmingham, also gradually involving other international partners they have in common.


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