Research Outputs

Research News

Sarah Forbes won Best Paper in the Non-Profit & Social Marketing track at the Academy of Marketing 2015 conference for her paper titled "An Examination of Daily Behaviour Using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire". The full reference of the paper is as follows: Forbes, S., Mather, D., Robertson, K., & Lawson, R. (2015, 7th - 9th July), An Examination of Daily Behaviour Using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick, Ireland.

Dr Vivek Soundararajan has  become an Associate Editor of ‘Business Ethics: A European Review’, been elected into the nomination committee of Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management, USA for the year 2015/16, and was in the 2015 best dissertation selection committee of Social Issues in Management Division, Academy of Management, USA.

Professor Mark Saunders: Awarded Best full paper in the Research Methodology track at the British Academy of Management Conference. Paper reference: Saunders MNK and Townsend K (2015) ‘An analysis if the number of interview participants in organization and workplace journal articles’ Full paper presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, September.

Professor Kiran Trehan and colleagues have been shortlisted for  the Pace Outstanding Book Award for their New book  called Realising Critical HRD Stories of Reflecting, Voicing, and Enacting Critical Practice

Professor Lisa De Propris has been nominated for “Best Referee” by the RSA for the Journal Regional Studies ( ).

Dr. Scott Taylor has co-edited a book with Brigid Carroll (Auckland) and Jackie Ford (Bradford), Leadership: Contemporary Critical Perspectives, which has been shortlisted for the Chartered Institute of Management Book of the Year 2016. Twenty-five books are shortlisted each year; the award is made in February. and has published a review of the new Steve Jobs film:

Professor Penelope Tuck was an invited Speaker at the CIPFA Annual Police Conference, London, 4 Nov 2015. The topic of her presentation was Challenges and Opportunities over the longer term for Policing.

Dr. Andy Hodder has been working with a number of trade union organisations as part of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Young Worker Month. Andy has spoken on the relationship between unions and young workers at events organised by the GMB, the TUC and the General Federation of Trade Unions, as well as organising a successful event on the topic as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science. 


There were funding success stories for the Enterprise and Diversity Cluster: The following  people have been funded and supported by the cluster for small amounts ranging from £1,500 - £2,500 and the return on investment has been very positive as highlighted below;

John Gibney was allocated  £ 1,600 from the cluster to support research and an international  Worksop on leadership in urban and regional settings   – John has  secured follow up funding  10k (with colleagues in Tampere, Aix-Marseilles and Adelaide who jointly coordinate the Regional Studies Association international research network on leadership in urban and regional development) The  £10k is to run 3 international research seminars on this topic  and  in due course could provide opportunities for  potential  special issue and some good quality publications.

Simon Adderley was allocated £2,500 from the cluster  to develop his  work on  Social Enterprise, the money was to support the development of a network  to undertake collaborative research comparing conceptions and practices of social enterprise in different socio-economic context.  Simon has secured an additional £2,500 as a result from City REDI.

Etlyn Kenny was allocated £1,500 to  explore Gender identity salience in the IT industry: A study of female IT workers. The  project seeks to address two research questions.  The first is how and when does gender identity salience increase for women working within the IT industry.  The second is how do increases in gender identity salience influence the career-related cognitions and actions of female IT workers.  Etlyn has been successful  with Rory in securing funding from the British academy of management for £9,800.


2nd GVC in Europe Network Workshop, 26th- 27th November 2015, Birmingham Business School, Birmingham UK – Organised by the Global Value Chains Research Cluster. The 2nd Workshop of the GVC in Europe Network continues a cross-disciplinary dialogue started in 2014 aimed at exploring the impact of globalisation on advanced economies and the EU in particular. The workshop brings together leading researchers from across Europe and beyond who have an interest in understanding the drivers and dynamics of global networks of production, products and services, labour, and knowledge. Our core concern is to better understand the drivers of and barriers to developing the competitiveness of advanced economies and Europe in particular, where industries, knowledge and skills are constantly operating between local places and globalised spaces. This year, in particular, the key themes include issues related to regional resilience, skills and jobs, sustainability and innovation.

Along with colleagues in University of Connecticut Business Law group, Vivek Soundararajan is organizing a conference titled ‘Public Regulation and Private Governance: Competitors or Collaborators?’ -  April 13-15 2016 at University of Connecticut, USA.    The conference is supported by the generous funding  that we acquired from University of Connecticut School of Business and the Eversource Energy Chair in Business Ethics (around $ 40000). Some conference highlights are: A) Keynote speech by Auret Van Heerden, Ex-President and CEO of Fair Labor Association. B) Participating scholars are from multiple disciplines, namely management, geography, business law, sociology, political science and international development studies. C)Participants represent very high class research institutes around the world, namely Birmingham Business School, the Wharton School, The Watson Institute-Brown University, Ross School of Business-Michigan, School of Business –University of Connecticut, Indiana University-Bloomington, Rutgers, ESADE Business and Law School-Spain, The Fletchers School – Tufts University, NYU-Stern School of Business, MIT-Sloan School of Management, Durham University  and Smurfit Graduate Business School -Ireland. 4) Practitioner and scholarly panels.

Professor Andy Mullineux presented a paper entitled ‘Access to finance amongst Ugandan SMEs at Development Finance Conference : 29-30 October 2015 in South Africa.

Professor Kiran Trehan was invited to give the keynote address  on Innovations in Entrepreneurial leadership at the prestigious national conference organised by  the Institute of leadership and Management at the oval in London. Over 150 people attended including key leaders from  industry and policy makers.  The organisers of the conference said  that “ Professor Trehan’s address was the highlight  of the day, an inspiring and thought provoking presentation”

Dr Maria Villares won Best Paper in Track at the ISBE Conference last Thursday, for her paper, The gendered and classed entrepreneurial identities and strategies of Latin American immigrant women in Spain.

Monder Ram presented in Norway at a Conference with the Prince of Norway.


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Journal articles (alphabetical order)

Adegbite, E. (2015). A new president – but no individual can stop corruption in Nigeria. This is Africa, by Financial Times.

In this new article titled “A new president – but no individual can stop corruption in Nigeria” published in This is Africa Online - online article, Dr Emmanuel Adegbite writes on the challenges facing the new Nigerian President - Muhammadu Buhari.

Barry,T., Lepetit, L. and Strobel, F. Bank ownership structure, lending corruption and the regulatory environment, in press, Journal of Comparative Economics, doi:10.1016/j.jce.2015.08.003.

Currie, G., Tuck, P. and  Morrell, K. (2015) "How hybrid managers act as “canny customers” to accelerate policy reform: A case study of regulator-regulatee relationships in the UK’s tax agency", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 28 Iss: 8, pp.1291 - 1309

Fekete, A., Tzavella, K., Armas, I., Binner J., Garschagen, M., Giupponi, C., Mojtahed, V., Pettita, M., Schneiderbauer, S. and Serre, D. (2015) ‘Critical Data Source; Tool or Even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance’ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 4(4), 1848-1869; doi:10.3390/ijgi4041848

Guariglia, A. “A Balancing Act: Managing Financial Constraints and Agency Costs to Minimize Investment Inefficiency in the Chinese Market” (with J. Yang).  Journal of Corporate Finance (forthcoming).

Isaeva N, Bachmann R, Bristow A and Saunders MNK (2015) ‘Why the epistemologies of trust researchers matter’ Journal of Trust Research 5.2 1-17

Kutsch, E., Hall, M. and Turner, N. (2015) Project Resilience: The Art of Noticing, Interpreting, Preparing, Containing and Recovering, Ashgate:

Saunders MNK and Bezzina F (2015) ‘Reflections on conceptions of research methodology amongst management academics’ European Journal of Management 33.5 297-304

Saunders MNK, Lewis P and Thornhill A (2016) Research Methods for Business Students (7th edn,) Harlow:  Pearson Education

Lyon F, Möllering G and Saunders MNK (eds) (2015) (2nd edition) Handbook of Research Methods on Trust Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Saunders MNK, Lewis P, Thornhill A, Booij M, Borggreve A, Booy A and Beltman S (2015 Methoden en technieken van onderzoeke (7 editie) (Research Methods for Business Students, Dutch language 7th edition) Amsterdam, Pearson Education Benelux BV

Seny Kan, K. A., Adegbite, E., El Omari, S. & Abdellatif, M. (2015). On the use of Qualitative Comparative Analysis in management. Journal of Business Research (Forthcoming).

In this forthcoming paper in the Journal of Business Research, Dr Emmanuel Adegbite and collegues at Toulouse Business School in France offers a comprehensive and critical review of all the uses of QCA in management studies and shows how QCA extends beyond an empirical technique to offer a genuine formalization of qualitative analysis, which opens new ways of knowledge production in management scholarship.



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