Dragon Boat Racing (or…The day we beat Aston)

For those of you not already aware, on Sunday 19 July, the Business School gained what I’m sure you’ll agree was its greatest triumph to date. The setting was unlikely, a rainy Sunday morning on the chilly banks of the Edgbaston Reservoir, a motley crew of 16 (mostly) willing participants strapped on life jackets, grabbed an oar and engaged in battle at the first ever Birmingham Rotary Clubs Dragon Boat Race.

Dragon Boat Racing

The first race (I won’t lie) was bad. We were rubbish. Following a quick team talk and a minor reshuffle, we came back fighting, smashed our previous time…and lost to a bunch of small children. (I still maintain someone gave them a push and surely being sea scouts is some form of cheating?) The third and final race was a grudge match and our last chance to pull back some last shred of pride. Who were we up against? Aston Business School. That was it, we were determined, Aston were going down. Not only did we gain our fastest time, but we pulverised Aston. (Which is fortunate, as had we not Simon would probably have arranged for the boat to be scuttled with us all still inside…) Cue much celebration and a warm glow all around!!


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