Accreditations – EQUIS Visit 2016

What is EQUIS?

EQUIS stands for the European (Foundation for Management Development) Quality Improvement System, it is a whole School accreditation, encompassing all programmes, faculty and staff.  The accreditation process involves preparation of a Self-Assessment Report explaining how the School meets the standards and criteria set out by EQUIS, and demonstrating this through case studies and other supporting evidence.  The written report is followed by a visit by a Peer Review Team who meet with faculty, staff and students to assess

EQUIS Criteria

There are three underpinning standards that the School is required to demonstrate run throughout its strategy, policies and operations, examples of the questions to be answered are also given:

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS)

Embedded within School policies and operations (faculty and student), teaching, research, recruitment, personal development, community engagement.  How is ERS integrated into the design, delivery and assessment of programmes?  How is ERS incorporated into research, development and innovation activities


Demonstrate the international dimension of the Business School by the international mix of faculty and students, provision of an international learning experience for students, opportunities for study abroad, international standing of faculty.  How are students prepared to operate in an international context?  What international partnerships do faculty have for research collaborations?

Corporate Connections

Schools should show there is an interface between them and corporates in the governance, teaching and research activities of the School.  How are practitioners involved in curriculum design and programme delivery?  How are faculty working with corporates on research or consultancy projects, board membership?

Birmingham Business School and EQUIS

Birmingham Business School had its first successful EQUIS accreditation visit in 2007, with further visits taking place in 2010 and 2013.  The next visit of the EQUIS Peer Review Team takes place 15th – 17th March 2016, and we are currently writing our Self-Assessment Report for submission at the beginning of the Spring Term.

How can you help?

As the SAR is prepared your individual input to the process will be invaluable to ensure that we can demonstrate the practical ways that the School meets the EQUIS Standards and Criteria.  Please feed into the process by sharing anything you feel demonstrates the themes listed above, or examples of innovative practices whether in your research or teaching by contacting Margaret Jelleyman (


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