How did we do? Very well! Again!

You may recall from a previous newsletter that in February 2015 the School’s Professional Services Team engaged in the ‘How did we do’ feedback process to get a feel for how we dealt with students and staff through the School’s main offices.

In November 2015 the team repeated the ‘How did we do’ campaign. In total just over 200 feedback cards were submitted over a three-week period to eight service points across three Birmingham Business School buildings. The results were impressive -

  • overall, 78% of the interactions were classed as ‘Excellent’ and 19% as ‘Above Expectations’;
  • there were no examples where the service was experienced as being ‘Below Expectations’ or ‘Poor’;
  • for each of the four individual service attributes (Friendliness, Professionalism, Speed and Efficiency) the significant majority of interactions were rated as ‘Excellent’ (72%-78%), and;
  • a broad pattern of positive feedback was evident when looking at the experience, both overall and for individual service attributes, at each of the individual service points. 

The graph below summarises the overall findings:

Feedback graph

Although this was only the second time the process had been carried out in the School, it is already possible to identify some pleasing trends –

  • in both February and November, overall respondents registered notable ‘Excellent’ ratings for ‘Overall Experience’ (72% and 78% respectively) and each of the four individual service attributes (between 71% and 78%);
  • feedback from our students was positive, for instance, ‘Excellent’ ratings from UG students have remained consistent at 81% and 80% for February and November respectively;
  • Professional Services respondents rated their experience from their peers highly across all five service attributes in both February and November, and;
  • Faculty expressed high ratings in both months – a 74% overall experience ‘Excellent’ score in February and 81% in November.

The Professional Services Leadership Group would like to thank colleagues involved in delivering these results for their continued professionalism and hard work.

We will continue the ‘How did we do?’ campaign in 2016 – embedding the activity as business as usual and regularly reviewing overall performance against professional service KPIs.


Professional Services