Undergraduate Curriculum Review - July update
The Undergraduate Curriculum Review will shape and inform the revised University Learning and Teaching Strategy. The current consultation focuses, through a broad range of key topics, on the knowledges, competencies and skills that we want our undergraduates to attain when they complete their first degree and the ways in which we assess these.
The review process
The review began in April of this year and was structured around four key themes which were explored through workshops for staff and for students. Workshop participants were drawn from a wide range of colleagues from across the University including early career staff, Heads and Directors of Education, Heads of School, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellors, and professional services staff. A number of broad themes emerged from the workshops and were presented at two town meetings chaired by Karen O’Brien. Slides and podcasts from the town meetings are available for those who were unable to attend.
Have your say
So that the broadest level of opinion on emerging themes is possible, you are invited to contribute to this discussion by visiting www.bham.ac.uk/curriculumreview. The themes under consultation are:
• Major review of assessment portfolio to reduce summative assessment and refocus on teaching delivery and formative assessment
• Increased use of interactive delivery methods
• Reconsider how we provide breadth in UG curriculum (skills vs. knowledge):
o Review of MOMD system
o Review of Joint Honours
• Embedding of GPA initiative
• Increase employer engagement in curriculum design
• Enable students to how their discipline emerged and how it relates to others
• Integrated approach to internationalising the curriculum
• More integrated and visible way of rewarding teaching
• Using Liberal Arts to deliver further opportunities for students
• Balance Personal Skills Award with an Advanced UG Study award
• Intensive multi-disciplinary project at the end of first year