Electoral Register – make sure you're registered to vote

The new Electoral Register is published on 1 December. You need to be on the Electoral Register in order to vote in any elections and referendums held next year. If you haven’t responded to letters sent to you over the past couple of months by the Elections Office, you won’t be on the register.

Individual Electoral Registration – recently introduced to tackle voting fraud – means that everyone is now responsible for registering themselves.

Those most at risk of falling off the register are people whose circumstances have recently changed; for example those able to register now they’ve turned 16 or 17 years, those who have recently moved into a new area, home, household or care home, or students starting university.

As a student, you can register at both your term time and home addresses and you can vote in both Local Elections.  

If you are not on the Electoral Register, there is a risk of a poor credit rating for things like mobile phones, loans, and mortgages, as credit companies use the register for checks.

You will need your National Insurance number in order to register.

To find out more go to www.birmingham.gov.uk/register-to-vote

To get hold of your National Insurance number go to www.gov.uk/lost-national-insurance-number


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