National Student Employment Week

National Student Employment Week commences on Monday 22 February – Friday 26 February 2016. This is an annual event organised by the National Association of Student Employment Services (NASES), during which student employment services from across the UK host events designed to help bring students and employers together. It also sees the opening of nominations for The Student Employee of the Year Awards (SEOTY) which recognises and promotes the outstanding contributions and achievements of students who effectively combine part-time work with their study commitments.

As part of NSEW Worklink will be hosting  ‘pop up job shops’ on Monday 22 February (11am – 2pm, The Student Hub), Wednesday 24 February (12pm - 2pm, The Food Court in University Centre) and Thursday 25 February ( 12pm – 2pm, The Guild Box Office).

Come and visit us to find out more about part time work opportunities on campus and learn more about SEOTY.

To find out more on how to hiring managers on campus and students can submit their nomination visit:


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