Staff and student update following the London terror attack
Our thoughts are with all those affected by the terrible events in London on Saturday night and in Manchester a fortnight ago.
The University is continuing to work closely with the police to monitor the level of risk in the city and around campus. The advice remains that there is no intelligence to suggest that Birmingham is specifically at risk but extra police will continue to be deployed in the City and will be visible in key locations in the City Centre and at major events.
The advice from police is that we should continue to go about our business as normal, but remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police; anything that gives cause for concern should be reported to the anti-terrorist hotline (0800 789 321).
- In addition to the emergency services, the University’s own security team is available 24/7 and can be contacted on 0121 414 3000 (non-emergency) or 0121 414 4444 (emergency).
- Staff and students are also encouraged to download the ‘Callmy’ app which is our first channel for communicating any significant issues or risks to staff and students.
- At times like this it is important for all communities to stand together. Hate Crime should be reported to the police and will be treated seriously.
- Any individuals or groups concerned or affected by any of these issues can access the range of support and advice services available in the University.
We will continue to liaise closely with West Midlands Police and will keep you informed of any significant update