Changes to parking on campus from January 2020

Over the Christmas break, changes will be made to the temporary parking area on the former Munrow site. This land is going to house the new Molecular Sciences Building, which commences construction in the new year. The facility will provide academic facilities for Chemistry and Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

In order to allow construction to begin, part of the temporary Munrow car park will be closed, reducing the number of spaces available in this location to staff.

Colleagues in Estates and Hospitality and Accommodation Services (HAS) are working together to provide additional spaces elsewhere on campus as a result of this reduction. This includes around 70 being made available close to the Collaborative Teaching Laboratory.

Off the main campus, there are additional parking spaces for permit holders available at the Vale and Tennis Courts, a short walk from campus. In addition, there are 224 spaces available on the Selly Oak campus. To support the use of these, we are extending the timetable of the shuttle bus between the Selly Oak and Edgbaston campuses on a trial basis, which is free to staff. Further information on the timetable can be found here:

In other work to enhance flexibility and availability, we have recently reviewed the policy on building contractors parking on campus, which means a reduction in the amount of work vehicles on campus. We’re also looking at extending the facility for pay and display parking for staff.

Staff can also consider lift sharing <>, which opens up priority parking spaces on campus, as well as reducing the impact of cars on the environment. So far, staff who take part in this scheme have cumulatively saved more than £6,000 in fuel costs and reduced mileage by almost 54,000. 

For full parking information on all the options, visit the parking intranet pages:


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