Free period products available across campus

Period products

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting students and staff with cost-of-living pressures, free period products are now available at more than 20 campus locations.

The University has secured a multi-year contract to make free products available at multiple locations, funded locally by colleges and departments at the point of access. 

We thank our colleagues in Cleaning Services who have taken the lead to maintain and refill these. 

Throughout 2023 the teams in Academic Services and Campus Services prioritised free period products to students from selected locations in the Student Hub, Accommodation and at the Guild of Students.   

A range of sustainable products were made available, free to anyone who needs them, with the purchases supported by DARO and the kind donations of some of our alumni.  

In 2024, to ensure this provision would be able to continue and grow sustainably, the new contract has now been signed. 

The period products are available at the following locations:

Building Location 
 Aston Webb  Student Hub
 Staff House  Ground Floor Female Toilets
 Main Library  Ground Floor Gender Neutral Toilets & 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor Female Toilets
 Arts  Ground Floor Female Toilets
 Alan Walters  Ground Floor Female Toilet
 Guild  All Floors, Female Toilets, disabled Toilets & 2nd floor gender-neutral
 Muirhead Tower  Mezzanine Female Toilets near Starbucks
 Education  Ground Floor Gender Neutral Toilets, near Cafe
 Medical School  Female Toilets near Wolfson Common Room
 Watson  1st Floor Gender Neutral Toilets
 School of Engineering  All Floors, Female Toilets
 Met & Mat  Ground Floor Female Toilets in Block A and Block C
 CTL  Lower Ground Floor Toilets
 Molecular Science Building  Female Toilets Ground Floor and 2nd Floor
 52 Pritchatts Road  Ground Floor Female Toilets
 SportEx  Ground Floor Female Toilets

Vale Village Accommdation:

Chamberlain Tower


Mason Social Space

Ground Floor Female Toilets


Professional Services