Opportunities and challenges in distance learning

University of Nottingham
Thursday 17 December 2015 (10:00-15:00)

Staff are invited to a half-day symposium on 'Opportunities and challenges in distance learning'' with colleagues at the University of Nottingham to be held on the morning of Thursday 17th December, from 10am to 3pm in the Senate Chamber at the University of Nottingham. There will be an external speaker, invited contributions from staff at the two Universities and discussion, with the aim of sharing ideas and good practice on distance learning, taught programmes and MOOCs. Transport  and lunch will be provided. A second symposium will be held at UoB in May 2016 on 'Assessment & Feedback' to follow up on the assessment reviews at both Universities. See the full programme of the symposium here

To register for the event in December, please email Ann Evans on teachingacademy@contacts.bham.ac.uk


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