Final Year Reassessment – Defer Graduation


If you are a final year student who failed a module in the 23/24 supplementary period, you may be eligible to reattempt it if you have extenuating circumstances, or it was classed as a first sit.

Please refer to the below FAQs for more info. If you have any further queries relating to the final year resit process please email For queries about your marks, or to discuss what option may be best for your circumstances, please contact your personal tutor or school administration team.

Your options and critical information

If you are a final year UG Masters or Bachelors student who has failed a final year module, then you could potentially be permitted to retrieve these failures, if you meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Your attempt in the supplementary period was your ‘first’ attempt (e.g. uncapped)
  2. You were awarded extenuating circumstances in relation to module(s) in the supplementary period by your School Wellbeing Team

Following the supplementary assessment period, if you have gained enough credit to be awarded your degree classification, despite failing any module(s) including any modules that you have not been able to attempt due to extenuating circumstances, then the default position of your School will be to ‘graduate’ you via marks release. This will mean you are eligible to attend the December graduation ceremony, regardless of if you have any outstanding module attempt(s) remaining. It is your responsibility to update your student record if you do not wish to graduate in December. Please note, even if you do not attend the ceremony in person, if you do not update your student record, you would be assumed absent and graduate ‘Absent.’

If you want to use the opportunity to retrieve any failed credits, this will require you to defer your graduation from December 2024 to July 2025 to be assessed again during the supplementary period.

If you are a final year UG Masters or Bachelors student who has failed a final year module, then you could potentially be permitted to retrieve these failures, if you meet one of the following criteria:

What help is available whilst making this decision?

Whilst this may feel like a difficult decision to make, there is lots of help and resources available to help inform your decision either way, with plenty of time to make it in. Discuss these options with your personal tutor, see the following FAQs on this page, or contact your school for more help and information.

Please note: if you opt to defer your graduation, it is your responsibility to ensure the form is completed by the deadline.


When do I need to make my decision?

The deadline to defer your graduation in order to take a final year resit is 5.00pm (UK time) on Monday 16th September 2024. If you have any enquiries about this please email



How will I find my final year results?

Your School will release your results shortly after they have been confirmed at the Board of Examiners. As soon as your results are available you will be able to view these on the Exams and Assessment section via the Student Gateway.

What does it mean if Online Results show that I have been awarded a degree but the results for one or more modules show that I have a resit opportunity to take?

If your degree has been awarded, you can graduate in the December ceremonies without taking your resit opportunity. The modules with resit opportunities will display as a ‘Fail’ on your Academic Transcript. Modules that have not yet been attempted due to Extenuating Circumstances will display as 'NO RESULT'. If this is the case, you do not need to do anything further except to engage with any Graduation communications that you may receive.

Can I still attend Graduation if Online Results does not show that I have been awarded a degree but I still have resits to complete?

No, unfortunately if you have not been awarded your degree in Online Results then you have not met the criteria required by your programme of study to be awarded. In this case, the Board of Examiners has recommended that you take resit assessments, and you will not be eligible to graduate.

I have been awarded a degree and have resits, can I attend Graduation and still attempt my resits?

By attending your Graduation you have surrendered the opportunity to be reassessed in any final year modules, so you cannot then also take resits. If you attend, your module marks and classification will reflect that of the original Board of Examiners decision.

When do I need to decide if I want to defer my graduation in order to take a final year reassessment?

All eligible students need to submit their decision by 5.00pm (UK time) on Monday 16th September 2024.

What do I need to do in order to confirm my decision to defer graduation and take my reassessments?

Students will need to complete an online form entitled ‘Final Year Reassessments – Defer Graduation’.

A link to the form will be placed on the Exams and Assessment section via the Student Gateway and here.

Will my degree classification improve if I take my reassessments?

You may be eligible for a higher degree classification if you successfully complete your reassessments. However, it should be noted that only the pass mark for the module can contribute to your degree calculation should you successfully complete your reassessments. The pass mark for an undergraduate reassessment is usually 40.

Your overall weighted mean mark will increase but would only lead to a higher classification if your overall weighted mean mark was originally very close to the classification boundaries for the higher degree class, e.g. 2:2 to 2:1.

If you wish to discuss whether it may be worthwhile taking your resit, we recommend you speak with your personal tutor or school administration team.

What are the degree classification boundaries?

Where your overall weighted mean is:

70 or above = Class I

60-69 = Class IIi

50 -59 = Class IIii

40-49 = Class III

For further information relating to Assessment, Progression and Award you can visit UoB Regulations.

Will my GPA Score improve if I take my reassessments?

You may be eligible for a higher GPA score if you successfully complete your reassessments. However, it should be noted that only the pass mark for the module can contribute to your overall weighted mean mark should you successfully complete your reassessments. Pass mark for a UG re assessment is usually 40. For more information on GPA, including the GPA scale, please see our GPA FAQs.

How do I know what my overall weighted mean mark is?

Your overall weighted mean mark will be displayed on the Exams and Assessment section of the Student Gateway.

What will show on my transcript if I chose not to take my reassessments and attend Graduation?

Your Academic Transcript will display all modules, marks and module outcomes including any modules that have been failed. Passing a final year module at a reassessment attempt would mean that this will be displayed as a pass and not a fail on your transcript.

Who could I talk to if I am unsure of what decision to make?

You can contact your personal tutor or your School Administration Team for further advice and support. 

You can also email

If you are finding the decision making process difficult and need wellbeing support you may wish to contact your College Wellbeing Team for further support.

If I decided to defer my graduation will I still receive my certificate and academic transcript?

If you decided to defer your graduation in order to take a final year reassessment you will not be eligible to receive your degree certificate until your final award has been conferred at a degree congregation ceremony.

However, you may still request an Academic Transcript and you will be able to view and share your transcript using the Verify secure documents service.

Please note that your academic transcript will not display any interim award information as your original degree classification will have been removed from your record pending your reassessment outcome.

To obtain an Academic Transcript, please go to our Academic Transcripts page.



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