PGT Essentials: Editing and Proofreading Your Dissertation

Wednesday 21 August 2024 (14:00-15:30)

Liam Knight

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If you've recently finished a full or partial draft of your dissertation, you might be feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed as to how to approach editing. You might be a perfectionist, looking to refine and polish your writing. Or, you might be looking ahead to an expected stage of rewriting before handing in.

Whatever stage you're at, if you're looking to learn more about the best methods for editing and proofreading, then this is the workshop for you.

Join the University Graduate School and the Academic Skills Centre for this online workshop on editing, followed by a Q&A where you can ask any questions related to getting your writing as good as it can be!

The workshop covers:

  • How to approach editing and proofreading,
  • Tried-and-tested methods for spotting typographical mistakes,
  • Where to find resources for further help,
  • Advice for developing your writing and argument,
  • and a Q&A where you can ask our academic expert for help and advice.

Please note, the session will NOT cover:

  • Support and advice for English as a second language,
  • Advice for creative writing,
  • A proofreading service (though we can direct you to these).

Please register for this event using your University of Birmingham email address, and please also remember to log-in to Zoom using your University of Birmingham email and password. Please read this guide about using your UoB credentials to access Zoom for full information.

You will be sent the Zoom details 30 minutes before the event starts - these emails can end up in junk folders, so check them! If you do not receive this email, please contact Liam Knight at

Please note that registration closes an hour before the event: contact Liam if you would like to join short-notice.

A recording of the workshop presentation will be available afterwards.


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