Academic Progression FAQS

Please refer to our FAQs belowing for more information and guidance on academic progression. 

Are there any exemptions?

You do not need to show academic progression if you are:

  • You are a Tier 4 (Child) Student or Child Student
  • You are making a Student route visa application from overseas
  • You are making a first application to complete an existing course commenced at a Tier 4 or Student route sponsor that had its licence revoked
  • You are applying to resit an examination or repeat a course module
  • You are applying to complete the PhD or other doctoral qualification for which you were last given Tier 4 or Student leave
  • You are applying to complete the qualification for which you were last given Tier 4 or Student leave after a period as a student union sabbatical officer
  • You are applying under the doctorate extension scheme
  • You are applying as a postgraduate doctor or dentist on a recognised Foundation Programme
  • You are applying to extend your leave to remain in order to undertake a study abroad programme or work placement or you have previously completed a study abroad programme or work placement and require leave to remain to complete your course.

I am going on a placement, what should I do?

If you are an Undergraduate or Postgraduate (Taught) student and will be undertaking a placement as part of your course, the academic progression rule may affect you. Please contact us so we can help you further.

I am re-sitting, does this apply to me?

If you are a registered student and you are required to repeat or re-sit part of your course and this will require you to be in attendance, you may need extra time to complete you course.

To find out if you are exempt from academic progression rules, please contact us so we can help you further.

I am looking for an extension to complete my dissertation or write up

If you have applied for an extension to complete your studies (i.e. to work on your dissertation) and you need to extend your visa, you will require extra time to complete your studies. Please contact us so we can assist you further.

I am a Medical Student who is considering intercalating

Whether your intercalated degree is at the University of Birmingham or at another Student route sponsor, as long as you have enough immigration permission to undertake the intercalation, you do not need to make a new Student route application before you start the intercalation.

Students who intercalate with the same or a different sponsor are not required to make a fresh Student route application in order to start the intercalated degree or to return to the original course.

The University of Birmingham will notify the Home Office about the change to your studies. If you are intercalating at a different institution, that institution will be responsible for notifying the Home Office of any relevant changes during that period, until you return to Birmingham.

When you need to extend your stay to complete your studies, you can make this application in the UK. You can choose to make this application before or after the intercalation. Intercalating students satisfy academic progression requirements if they meet the following requirements.

 Applying to progress from:

  • a Bachelors to Masters level course as part of an integrated Masters course or
  • a Masters to PhD level course as part of an integrated Masters and PhD programme or
  • applying to pursue an intercalating year as part of medical, dental or veterinary science degree, or are returning to original course having completed an intercalated year.

What should I do if i am looking to transfer course or programme?

If you are considering transferring, or have been required to transfer to another programme at the same, higher or lower academic level, you will need to contact us and we will help you further.

If you are considering or have been required to move to another programme, you may need to leave the UK and apply for a new Student route visa to enable you to complete your new course - unless the course is at the same level and you can complete it within the timeframe of your current visa. You can also find more information here.

What should I do if I need to take an authorised absence?

In instances where you need to take a short break from your studies, the University may approve a period of Authorised Absence

Is there anymore guidance on the Student route visa policy?

More information about the specific rules imposed by the Home Office that relate to this communication can be found in the Student and Child Student Guidance (pages 50 - 58).

When should I make a CAS request?

You should aim to make your Student route visa application as early as possible, once you have gathered your supporting documents. The application process from outside the UK normally takes around 3 weeks. This UKVI website calculates visa processing times.

Some countries offer a priority application service which takes around 3-5 working days. Visit the Government's website to find a visa application centre.

If you do require further leave please be aware that there is a time limit on how long a person can spend studying in the UK whilst holding a Tier 4 (General) or Student visa. 




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