Have we got our records straight?
We need your help to update your term-time address details on the online registration portal. This is part of our obligation to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and it is very important that you do this as soon as possible.
Reminder emails will shortly be sent out to those students who we don’t have information for their term-time address or the address that you have provided has an end date within the next two weeks.
Your term-time address is where you live during the academic year. It might be the same as your home or temporary address, but you still need to enter it as a 'Term-time' address on the MyUoB app.
If you are an international student and hold a Student Visa (previously Tier 4) you need to check that your contact details are up to date. If this applies to you please check immediately.
You can access and update your details via the MyUoB app ‘My Details’, or by visiting the Student Self Service page. For guidance on entering your term time address visit the StudentHelp.