From whom to contact if you require assistance to reminders about your accommodation terms and conditions, you’ll find all the essential information you need while living with us below.
We recommend bookmarking this page so it’s easy to access whenever you need it. You can also find this information through the Accommodation Pass, which you can access at any time while living in University accommodation.
If you're living with one of our partners, they should have sent you all the information you need during your time with them. If they haven't, please get in touch with them directly. You can also get in touch with our Student Living team through the Student Living Helpdesk.
Your accommodation contract
This is the important bit! When you booked your room with us, you entered into a legally binding contract with the University.
All you need to do is make sure you follow our terms and conditions, otherwise you may be asked to leave your accommodation. That's why it's important to read your contract today.
Read contract
Paying your accommodation fees
We offer flexible payment options to help you manage the cost of your student home. Find out how to pay, request a receipt, or get a refund if you think you've overpaid. Check out our fees page for a reminder of accommodation costs.
Find out more
Reporting maintenance issues
Like in any home, there may be times when things need fixing. Whether you've got a leaky tap or a faulty lightbulb, you can report it to us with ease through the Accommodation Portal. Our maintenance team will then be in touch to arrange the best time to fix it for you.
For more urgent issues, such as a flood or gas leak, please contact your Customer Service Manager or village reception team as soon as possible.
Launch Portal
Maintaining your freezer
As part of your accommodation contract, you're responsible for defrosting your freezer to keep it in tip-top shape. We've pulled together a quick and easy guide to show you how.
Defrosting your freezer
The Student Accommodation Code
Everything we do is underpinned by the Student Accommodation Code to ensure our accommodation meets the highest standards.
We have certain responsibilities to ensure you feel at home here, but you also have some too to ensure everyone can feel happy and safe at the University. Check out your village’s Code of Practice (COP) for more information.
Your responsibilities
Parking at your accommodation
Parking across the University is extremely limited. We therefore do not recommend keeping your car on campus unless necessary for accessibility reasons. Parking permits are only available at The Vale and Pritchatts Park and are allocated on a need-by-need basis. If you think you're eligible for a permit, please get in touch.
Find out more
Need help?
While you’re living with us, your Customer Service Manager and village reception team are the best people to contact if you require any assistance. If you’ve chosen to live with one of our trusted partners, please get in touch directly with them.
Your Student Living team is always here to help though. You can either get in touch through the Student Living Helpdesk or visit us at our Student Living Hub in University Centre. We’re open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm and are a friendly bunch, so don’t be afraid to pop in and say hi!
Contact Student Living
Feedback and complaints
If you have a problem, there’s always someone on hand to help resolve it. While we do everything we can to ensure you receive the best service, there may be times we don't get things quite right. If this is the case, please let us know so we can resolve any issues as quickly as possible.
If you're not satisfied with any aspect of our service, you can tell us about your concerns using our online accommodation feedback and complaints form.
On the other hand, if you would like to leave some positive feedback, please get in touch through the Student Living Helpdesk. We'll make sure the relevant members of staff receive the recognition they deserve.