Fire safety

We know fire safety isn’t the most exciting thing in the world. But you are part of a vibrant student community, which every resident is responsible for keeping safe and secure.

As part of a community of thousands of other students, you should take all the precautions you would in your own home (and more) to ensure everyone’s safety. Our fire safety video covers everything you need to know to do just that. At just over three minutes long, it’s a quick watch that may help you save a life.  

An audio-described version of the video is available on YouTube.

Preventing fires in your halls

  • Do not use rice cookers, kettles or toasters in your bedroom. If you're in a studio flat or apartment, please keep appliances away from soft furnishings and only use them in your designated kitchen space.
  • Never leave cooking unattended and ventilate your kitchen if there's smoke 
  • Do not charge electic scooters or bikes within your accommodation 
  • Do not leave plugged-in fans or heaters unattended
  • Do not smoke or vape in your accommodation; please use our designated smoking areas 
  • Do not light candles anywhere in your accommodation 
  • Keep your room, kitchen, hallway and stairwells free from rubbish and obstructions
  • Never cover up smoke detectors or tamper with fire safety equipment. If you do, you may be fined and asked to leave your accommodation. You may even lose your place at the University.
  • Familiarise yourself with the evacuation information for your flat (you'll find this in your room)
  • Do not wedge open fire doors. These are clearly labelled and include your bedroom door, kitchen door*, and flat front door. 

*If you're in Chamberlain or Jarratt Hall, your kitchen door includes a hold-open device, allowing you to safely keep it open should you wish to. You door will be released if a fire alarm is activiated, helping prevent the spread of fire. 

In the event of a fire or fire alarm 

  • Leave your building as quickly and calmly as possible as soon as you hear the fire alarm and report to your nearest fire assembly point. Do not run or stop to pick up belongings.
  • If you discover a fire, activate the closest fire alarm point before calling 999. Once you're safely outside and the fire service has been notified, call our Community Safety and Security team on 0121 414 444
  • Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by a staff member or the fire service

We test our fire alarms every week to help keep you safe.

You do not need to leave the building during these, so please familiarise yourself with your flat’s test dates. You'll find these on your accommodation's noticeboard. If a fire alarm sounds continuously for longer than ten seconds, it is not a test; evacuate immediately.

Fire drills will also take place throughout the semester to ensure buildings can be evacuated efficiently. We’ll let you know in advance the approximate time these will take place. Please treat these as you would a real fire by following the steps above.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)

Special arrangements may need to be made to evacuate people that requires assistance from buildings in the event of an emergency. If you have told us about any additional requirements or adaptations you require whilst living with us, your Customer Service Manager will be in touch with you once you've moved in to see if you need a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan.

If you haven’t told us about any requirements but believe you require a PEEP, or your circumstances change, please contact your Customer Service Manager through your village reception. 

Find out more 

Building Safety Act 

The Building Safety Act 2022 is legislation in England and Wales that plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of buildings – particularly residential buildings. In line with the new law, we’re required to keep comprehensive documentation of how our buildings are designed, built, maintained and changed. 

As part of this, we have created a Resident Engagement Strategy, which outlines how we will inform you about building safety decisions and any necessary works, plus how we'll engage with you to ensure your voice is heard. 

Discover our Resident Engagement Strategy

Talk to us 

If you spot something that is broken, especially any fire safety equipment, please let your village reception team know straight away. If you have any queries or concerns about fire safety, don't hestitate to get in touch.

Contact us


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