Embracing Generative AI in HEFi and Library Services

On 21 February, HEFi ran an internal professional development day for HEFi and Library Services staff on using Generative AI. The aim was to explore how the University’s staff and students will need to use generative AI in education, to ensure we understand the opportunities and limitations of Co-Pilot, and to formulate ways in which our teams can better support staff and students with regards to generative AI. It was an interactive day that included a talk from IT, a workshop on writing different prompts, and a focussed session on embedding generative AI in course and assessment design.  

The feedback has been very positive, including ‘I really appreciate all of the interactive activities!’; ‘It was great to have the opportunity to discuss these difficult issues with colleagues.’; and ‘Pitched perfectly and a very active, well planned out workshop’ 

GI away day
GI away day 2
We will follow this session up by exploring running similar days for academic staff in the Colleges, and running further sessions to upskill within HEFi and Library Services in order to ensure we can continue supporting the UoB community with this exciting but challenging new technology. 


Professional Services