Temporary Work – Government Authorised Exchange

TW - GAE visa overview

This visa has replaced the Temporary Worker - Government Authorised Exchange visa (TIER 5).

This visa route enables researchers, academics, scientists or other skilled research technology specialists to come to the UK on a temporary basis where they are hosted at the University of Birmingham. The research activities individuals can undertake on this visa include the following: 

  • A formal project or collaboration, funded by their host, their overseas employer, or a funding body;​
  • A series of lectures, which doesn’t amount to a formal teaching post;​
  • A period of work-based training, work experience, internship or placement;
  • Skill development/knowledge transfer;​
  • External examinations.

The work or activities must not amount to what the Home Office terms ‘a genuine vacancy’ i.e. the work must be over and above the institution’s normal staffing arrangements and would not be automatically filled when the post holder leaves. ​

The visa is valid for the length of the visit up to a maximum of two years and cannot be extended beyond that period for any reason.​

The researcher does not have to be employed overseas to be eligible for sponsorship under this scheme. ​

Funding can come from any legitimate source, including from the University itself or a third party, but the individual cannot fund themselves and the payments must meet national minimum wage requirements. The individual can be paid weekly/monthly/annually or in one lump sum.​

The activities undertaken by the individual in the UK must not form part of a qualification they are studying for in their home institution. Therefore, this visa route may not be suitable for students.

If it transpires that Temporary Work – Government Authorised Exchange visa route (TW GAE) would be the most suitable (or the activity would not normally be permitted under Standard Visitor route), Visa Assessment Team will refer an individual to HR (via HR Portal - https://universityofbirmingham.service-now.com/hr/) for further assessment.

Visa Assessment for a Temporary Work – Government Authorised Exchange is carried out by HR based on the completed TW GAE questionnaire.

You can download the Temporary Worker GAE questionaire here: Temporary Worker GAE Questionnaire

Documents and additional information

When your Visitor has been referred to HR, you will be required to provide any of the following information/documentation held for the prospective visitor:

  • Line Manager
  • Account Code for Certificate of Sponsorship charging (currently £21)
  • CV, including full name.
  • Description of tasks the individual will undertake whilst in the UK.
  • Confirmation of the total funds they will receive (the individual will need to earn at least National Minimum / Living Wage whilst in UK). This is usually in the form of a letter from the individual's home institution or external funder.
  • Scanned copy of their valid passport, including photo page.
  • Research statement if an ATAS certificate is required, including the relevant CAH3 code

If TW GAE is confirmed by HR to be the correct visa route, an individual will be issued with a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS). A Certificate of Sponsorship is a reference number which must be used by an individual to make a visa application.

It is important for the visitor not to make any visa applications before the full assessment has been completed.

TW GAE Visa Application

A visa application can be made up to 3 months before the day an individual is due to start their work in the UK. This date will be listed on the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS). The CoS is issued by HR to enable the researcher make their visa application under the TW GAE visa route.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS):

An academic researcher applying to visit under this visa route will need to apply for, and be granted, an ATAS certificate before applying for their visa unless exempt.

Where ATAS is required, this must be obtained prior to HR assigning the CoS.

An ATAS certificate is applicable to one Higher Education Institute (or research institute). If an individual is conducting research at more than one institute, they will need to apply for an ATAS certificate for each. Each ATAS clearance must include information on the research they will undertake at each HEI/research institute.

ATAS Offical guidance

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


The main applicant’s partner and children can apply to join them or to stay in the UK as their ‘dependants’ if they’re eligible. If their application is successful, their visa will end on the same date as the main applicant’s. Dependants will be required to meet eligibility requirements as well demonstrate they have sufficient funds available to support themselves while they’re in the UK.

For more information please see:



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