Aditi Leadership Programme 2021-22

What is it?

The Aditi Leadership programme is open to Grade 6-8, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) academic and academic-related staff in the University. The programme aims to help talented BAME staff identify their unique leadership qualities and where and how these can be utilised as they progress their careers. 

Is it for me?

The purpose of this programme is not to separate BAME staff, but to ensure they have the best opportunity to progress into senior roles. This is especially important as BAME colleagues are currently under-represented in UoB leadership roles.  

A key difference between Aditi and our other leadership programmes is that participants have the opportunity to identify what is getting in the way of their desire to progress in leadership roles, and then design their own bespoke development. 

Previous participants have stated how much they benefited from having a safe space to discuss real and perceived barriers to progression and more critically, how to overcome them.  

POD will be holding an online briefing session on Tuesday 9th November from 12.30-14.00. This session is an opportunity for colleagues interested in becoming participants to find out how the programme differs from our other leadership development options, and to ask questions before completing their application. Full programme dates will be handed out in this session. Please sign up using the online booking form.   

Please note there are limited spaces on the Aditi Programme, and all interested participants will be required to submit an application form.  You can find more information on the POD webpage.



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