Development and Alumni Relations

The Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO) exists to support the academic and student communities by engaging, inspiring, and celebrating alumni, individuals, and charitable funders who give their money, time, and networks to support the University’s strategic priorities.

Old Joe magazine

Old Joe magazine offers a unique and engaging insight into the University that is perfect for visitors, new starters and for finding out something new about the people that make Birmingham.

Old Joe magazine HeaderFor the latest news, articles and profiles, plus and an archive of previous editions, visit the website.

If you would like to discuss a feature, suggest a story or request paper copies of Old Joe please contact the Alumni Communications team.

Fundraising projects                              

From life-saving research into global maternal health to developing ways to treat cancer differently, find out more about how the Birmingham In Action campaign is turning pioneering research into life-changing solutions.

Social media

The best way to keep up-to-date with the latest stories, find opportunities for support and to share the impact of giving with our alumni community is to follow @Birminghamalum across our social media channels:

LinkedInUniversity of Birmingham Alumni and Friends
YoutubeUniversity of Birmingham Alumni


Professional Services