UX Community News and Blog

All the latest news stories, and announcements from the UoB UX Community.

Mental Models, Online Learners and Broken Escalators

Mental Models, Online Learners and Broken Escalators

UX Blog: So why do broken escalators feel so strange and weird? Essentially they have just turned into a set of stairs like any other.
14 June 2022
User Research: Who Tutors the Tutors? (part 1)

User Research: Who Tutors the Tutors? (part 1)

UX Blog: "Yes, marking and preparation are important, but the key thing that Tutors do is communicate and engage with their students."
24 February 2022
Choice Paralysis In Online Distance Learning

Choice Paralysis In Online Distance Learning

UX Blog: By addressing choice paralysis we are improving user engagement, and also increasing the speed of decision making which is detrimental to a positive user experience.
31 January 2022
Why Tom Hanks IS The Best UX Designer... Ever!

Why Tom Hanks IS The Best UX Designer... Ever!

UX Blog: Any uncertainties or doubts you may have about adopting a User Experience approach and putting your users first is put to rest through watching the Tom Hanks film 'Big'.
09 December 2021
Embracing Imposter Syndrome Creates A Better User Experience

Embracing Imposter Syndrome Creates A Better User Experience

UX Blog: It's only by asking why? and constantly questioning what and why we do what we do that we can truly drill down to achieving the best possible results for both ourselves and our users.
17 November 2021
Presenting UX to a Global Audience

Presenting UX to a Global Audience

UX Blog: Educational Enterprise will be presenting at this years global Canvas event, InstructureCon Online 2021. Matt will be sharing the stage with other industry leading experts and also keynote speaker, Grammy-Award-Winning musician and tech entrepreneur will.i.am.
05 October 2021
What Is An Experience?

What Is An Experience?

UX Blog: Thanks to competition driven by league tables, NSS surveys and growth, ensuring a good student experience goes beyond getting a degree. It's worth stopping and thinking about what we mean by an experience...
29 March 2021
Cognitive load challenges of online learning

Cognitive load challenges of online learning

UX Blog: When approaching projects from a UX (user experience) perspective, we always need to be aware that as humans, we are inherently lazy, and we are always searching for the path of least resistance. This is just as relevant when we are designing for the online digital environment...
12 February 2021
Technology changes quickly, but humans don't

Technology changes quickly, but humans don't

UX Blog: So what kind of online reader are you? The pin-ball, the lawnmower, or the classic F-shaper? After 20 years of eye tracking reports on how we read online, the conclusions show that our online reading behaviors have remained the same...
12 February 2021
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