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See Car Parking.

Password Manager

IT Services has introduced a new self-service solution called Password Manager for all staff and students at the University. Should you happen to forget or need to change your password in the future you can use this service to:

  • Log back in quickly and effortlessly
  • Avoid queues at the IT Service Desk or having to wait for them to open
  • Manage your own password online by completing your profile
  • Reset a forgotten password by getting a one-time passcode sent to an alternate email address or mobile phone number

To access this service, please visit www.itservicedesk.bham.ac.uk and click on the new Change Password link from the left hand menu. You will not be asked to login at this stage (as a security precaution, IT Services will not send out links in an unsolicited email that require you to login directly). Please register for this service by completing your Question and Answer (Q&A) profile.

Paternity/Partner Leave

Information about paternity/partner leave, additional paternity/partner leave and pay, and paternity/partner leave on the adoption of a child can be found on the HR intranet pages. 

Payments in to University Accounts

There may be occassions when a member of staff needs to pay funds in to a University Account (e.g. travel expenses reimbursed to a personal account but paid for by the University).

Funds should be paid to the University Bank Account quoting the internal account code as the reference. Send a confirmation to bacspayments@bham.ac.uk confirming all relevant information.

Contact your local Finance Administrator for advice and for the bank account details. 

Payments Office

All invoices should be sent to apinvoices@contacts.bham.ac.uk. Please note this email address will not be monitored for communications/queries. All queries and communications with the Account Payable team should be sent directly to: apqueries@contacts.bham.ac.uk.


Payment through the monthly payroll is made into personal bank accounts on the last but one working day of every month with the exception of August when payment is on the Friday before the bank holiday, and Christmas when payment is made before the holiday period. All monthly payments are made in arrears being paid at the end of the month being worked.

Payment through the weekly payroll is also made into personal bank accounts on the Thursday of each week with the exception of Easter, when holidays make this impractical and Christmas/New Year when multiple weeks are normally paid.

Further information can be found on the Payroll Services website.

Performance and Development Review Scheme

Performance and development reviews provide an opportunity for staff to have a structured and productive conversation with a manager about their performance and development needs.

 You will be notified when the annual PDR process starts and the documents required by your local management team or line manager.  Support staff and administrative related staff PDRs must take place normally before March.  Academic and related staff PDRs by no later than 31st July.

Personnel Details

Personal Information can be reviewed and updated on Core Systems. Log into Core Systems and click on the personal Information tile. Click through the sections to see what information is held and which can be updated (by clicking on the pencil icon). Some information, such as a Name or Title change, will need to be submitted to HR for approval via Core. Further information on updating Personal Information on Core Systems can be found on the Canvas Guidance pages.

PGR Student Supervisory Meetings

See Student Supervisory Meetings.


The law allows you to photocopy an insubstantial amount of a work in copyright for certain purposes (such as private study), without the need for a licence or permission from the rights owner. This is called 'fair dealing'.

The majority of photocopying carried out by staff and students at the University of Birmingham will be under the provisions of 'fair dealing'.

The law does not define what is meant by 'insubstantial' when referring to the limits of copying from an individual work. For further details on the accepted limits to photocopying see the 'fair dealing' web page.

The 'Print Me' shop is based in the University Centre. You can contact Central Print by emailing the team address: centralprint@contacts.bham.ac.uk. Their telephone extension number is: 46684.

For information on local photocopying procedures, contact your line manager/academic supervisor. Further information on Copyright Licence legislation can be found on the Library Services intranet pages.


Portering services are available within the University but a cost may sometimes be incurred. For informal enquiries please contact MDS Facilities. To make a portering request please complete the online form.

Post Award Research Grant Management

Post award research management is an integral part of the research project lifecycle. If they are not managed effectively research projects can pose both a financial and reputational risk to the University. 

The Research Finance team are responsible for the administration of externally funded research project accounts once an an award has been received and accepted by the university.  Contact your local Institute Manager to obtain the contact name and email of your Research Finance Administrator.

Press Office

The University of Birmingham Press Office is here to help you showcase your research in the national and international media; through newspapers, online media, radio, television and beyond. Visit the press office Intranet page for further information.

If you are dealing with the press office it is worth also speaking to the College Marketing and Communications team (led by Mark Whittaker) who can work with the press office to help deliver your news at a local level.


The 'Print Me' shop is based in the University Centre. You can contact Central Print by emailing the team address: centralprint@contacts.bham.ac.uk. Their telephone extension number is: 46684.

Public Engagement

At the University of Birmingham we support a culture of public engagement where researchers can engage with the wider community for mutual benefit. The College is committed to driving impact from our research to the benefit of the wider society and economy. If you are ready to start your research projects please visit this website and look out for the monthly PPIE sessions too.

Further information can also be found on the University's Public Engagement pages.

Public Transport Season Tickets

The University will purchase a season ticket on your behalf and will recover the cost of the pass by equal deductions from your pay over a 10 month period (43 weeks for weekly paid staff), although the pass itself will be valid for 12 months. Therefore, you must have a 12 month contract in order to apply. 

Find out more

PURE (Research Information System)

PURE is the University's Research Information System which can be accessed from inside campus. All staff will manage their profiles in the PURE system (just use your normal username and password) for a variety of reasons, including website developments linked to individual profiles and Open Access.

Further information on PURE is available on the intranet site.

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