Getting started

How do I get started on Researchfish?

Your funder will email you directly about joining Researchfish with a link to create your account and associate an award with it.

I haven’t received an email, what should I do?

Check to see if the email is in your spam folder. 

Researchfish have a new Request an Invitation function. 

Click on the link and search for your grant. Then they will send you a new log in for Researchfish. 

Researchfish also have a support email address

Where do I log on?

Go to and use your log in details at the top of the page. Check that all your awards are linked to you.

When do I have to complete my work on Researchfish?

You can log into Researchfish and record outcomes at any time throughout the year but the submission period is a fixed time each year. The next submission period is 5 February to 14 March 2024. Within this period each PI has to log in to Researchfish and when all information is complete press the Submit button. Until you have done this you have not complied with the funder requirements.

What if I have nothing to report?

Researchfish is about more than just reporting outcomes and publications; the Research Councils want to know about a variety of different activities you have undertaken as part of your research project. Therefore it is likely that, even if you are at the beginning of your project, you’ll have something to report.

However, if you are not returning anything make sure you:

  1. Add “not applicable this year” for all the mandatory questions required by their funders on each grant
  2. Press Submit within the submission period (5 February - 14 March 2024)



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