College Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Committee

The purpose of this committee, which meets once a term, is to:

  • Ensure that the College possesses Health and Safety policies which include arrangements for monitoring, promote consistency and efficiency and encourage benchmarking
  • Review and update the annual H&S report and action plan
  • Co-ordinate all health and safety activity across the College
  • Develop, maintain and promote an environmentally friendly culture across the college
  • Ensure that measures are taken whenever appropriate across the College to keep environmental effects neutral
  • Implement the University Environmental policy 

Membership of the Committee comprises:

  • Chair:  Deputy Head of College

College Members:   

  • College Head of Facilities
  • College Director of Operations
  • Member of Academic Staff from each school
  • College Health and Safety Lead

For more information about the work of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee contact the committee secretary:

Jayde Cassell (


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