Careers events for International students

The below careers events include those run externally in collaboration with other universities and external partners, and events run by Careers Network targeted specifically at International students.

Some events give our International students information on how they might find employment within the UK. Other events may be run by global employers who are aiming to recruit International students for work in non-UK arms of their business.

Careers Network workshops

Workshops run by Careers Network

View all Careers Network events

English for Employability workshops

English for Employability workshops are organised by the Birmingham International Academy and provide advice on English language skills for CVs and interviews.

Term 2 sessions are listed below. Booking is not required.

English for Employability: Interviews
6 February 2024, 16:00-17:00
Arts Building Lecture Room 1.

Graduate Route Visa workshops

The International Student Team (IST) deliver online graduate route visa workshops.

Asia Careers Insight Series

The Asia Careers Insight Series (ACIS) took place on 5-7 March 2024. This was an opportunity to familiarise yourself with organisations looking to hire students and graduates across Asia and included a series of employer presentations. Recordings are available of all 4 events.

ACIS sessions are designed for all students and graduates – regardless of nationality, degree or year of study. Many organisations will consider a number of nationalities when recruiting and offer a variety of opportunities, from internships, placements and graduate schemes to part-time roles and roles undertaken remotely.

Recordings are also available for the webinars from the ACIS which took place in March 2022.



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