Student Wellbeing Services

Health, safety and wellbeing is our top priority and we have a range of measures in place to ensure students stay safe while on campus and they can access a range of support services.World of Wellbeing for Colleges

UBHeard 24/7 Mental Health Support

Available to all registered students, UBHeard is a confidential listening and support service that gives students immediate emotional and mental health support 24/7, 365 days a year. So now they can access the help they need, whenever and however they want. With a diverse range of practictioners, they can speak to someone about a wide range of issues that may be impacting their mental health or wellbeing. UBHeard offers immediate in-the-moment telephone support, and where appropriate, up to six sessions of counselling for mild-moderate issues. The service also offers a portal of resources that can be tailored to specific needs as well as a live chat function.

Issues that UBHeard can support with
 Student work-life balance  Cyberbullying  Anxiety
 Low mood  Stress  Resilience
 Bereavement  Social media use  Self-esteem / self-confidence
 Self-care  Alcohol & drug use  Other emotional challenges students may be facing

The Service is 100% confidential and free to use for all registered students. Counselling is delivered via telephone or video.

College Wellbeing Teams

Each School has its own trained Wellbeing Officers who are able to provide practical and emotional support on any issues students are facing. From personal problems to issues that may interfere with their studies, or signposting to other services that might be useful.

Where those issues are impacting their course, the Wellbeing Officer can offer advice and guidance on arranging extensions, the extenuating circumstances process, or facilitating taking a leave of absence.

Many Officers have appointments available throughout the week, and these can typically be arranaged either face-to-face or remotely, making it more convenient for the student to get the help they need.

For a full list of Wellbeing Officers visit the Wellbeing Officer intranet page.  To book an appointment with the Wellbeing team, the student, or yourself, will need to complete the appointment request form.

Student Disability Service

The Student Disability Service can arrange course/study related reasonable adjustments (RAPs) and additional academic related support for any registered students with a disability, including long-term mental or physical health conditions and autistic spectrum conditions.

Services include:

  • Putting in place a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP) to inform the school of their requirements.
  • Arranging exam adjustments, for example, extra time or rest breaks.
  • Advice on applying for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) and support to set up DSA funded support.
  • Arranging non-DSA funded support such as non-specialist note-taking support.
  • Advice and guidance on screenings for students who think they might be dyslexic, dyspraxic or dyscalculic.

Referrals can be made through the College Wellbeing team or by self-referal via the Application for Disability Support form. To find out more information, please email:

Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Service work with students who are experiencing a whole range of psychological or emotional issues including depression, anxiety, stress, procrastination, perfectionism, relationship issues and many more. For more complex issues students maybe referred to UBHeard (see above).

Referrals can be made through the College Wellbeing team or by self-referral by completing the registration form. For general enquiries or more information, please email:

Additional support available

You Report & Support

Our 'You Report & Support' service is here to provide students with support and advice if they have suffered from sexual misconduct or violence. Find out more


PAUSE is a drop-in service providing a listening ear to help students with anything relating to emotional wellbeing.

They provide support through face-to-face drop-ins as well as via Zoom and over the phone. Find out more.

Hate Crime

At the University we are committed to promoting a diverse, tolerant and inclusive environment, where staff and students feel safe and protected, and support each other to learn. Find out more via the 'Report + Support' tool,  including what to do if you are a victim or witness of a hate crime.

Harassment Advisers

Harassment Advisers are trained, volunteer members of staff for the University community, dedicated to making the University a safe and productive environment in which to study, work and visit. The service they provide is completely confidential and allows members of the University to discuss their problems informally and without recourse to formal University processes.  Find out more.

Recovery programme

The University has its own 'Campus Recovery Programme' for people in recovery from alcohol, drug or behavioural addictions. The primary goal of the CRP is to provide a safe haven for young adults who are struggling to maintain their hard-won abstinence from their addiction(s) while surrounded by the frequent temptations offered by the social context of a University campus. Find out more.

UoB Community Safety Hub

The Community Safety Hub is a safe, confidential space to discuss issues students may be experiencing. As well receive guidance and advice on support services, practical help and information.

They also provide free D-locks, bike registration and bike property-marking for all students. Plus free personal attack alarms, contactless card defenders and more. Find out more.

Student Services Support Team

The Student Services Support team are based in the Aston Webb Student Hub and can support with general student support enquiries.

General enquiries can be made to: 0121 414 5130 or 

International Student Team

The IST provide support and advice for prospective and current international students. Their expertise covers immigration, visas and how to adapt to university life. Find out more.

External support 

Registering with a GP

Students can access local health services by registering with a local doctor (General Practitioner (GP) Surgery) close to their term time address.

A GP can provide support for their mental and physical health, and they are usually the first health service they should contact when they are experiencing a problem. It is simple and free - and for International Students, payment of the immigration health surcharge will entitle Tier 4 students to access NHS care in the UK at no additional cost in the same way as a permanent UK resident. 

Forward Thinking Birmingham

Forward Thinking Birmingham is the provider of mental health services for people up to the age of 25 in Birmingham. They are a partnership of organisations offering support, care and treatment to make sure people can access the right support at the right time. Find out more.



Professional Services