Who are we?

Race Equality Network Committee

Contact the Co-Chairs - raceequality@contacts.bham.ac.uk

Race Equality Network committee bio's

Race Equality Network - committee and responsibilities

Alex Johl

I'm Alex and I'm the Co-Chair of the Race Equality Network. My role is to work with the Network, Committee members, and staff at the University to help create an inclusive and forward-thinking environment for staff of colour to thrive in. This involves being included in various working groups and committees on race equality at the University and representing the views of staff of colour to senior staff at UoB. My ‘day-job’ is in the College of EPS as the Head of Operations for Student Experience and Wellbeing, and I’ve worked at the University since 2016. You can contact me about anything to do with Race Equality!


  • To chair committee meetings and disseminate information to committee members
  • To forge relationships with internal, external, regional and national networks relevant to the Race Equality Network
  • To maintain a strong relationship with HR and ensure that the network is adhering to and informing UoB policy with regards to race equality and diversity
  • To focus the direction of the network and recognise areas for development
  • To make recommendations for and review content in newsletters, the website and other publicity materials
  • To make representation to University committees, making sure the voices of staff are known

Alex Ferranti

I'm Alex and I am the Co-Chair of the Race Equality Network and Student EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Officer at the University of Birmingham. It is important for me to be able to work in a diverse environment and I believe that the University offers such an environment to me, but much more needs to be done. As such, I am keen to support and enhance the conversation on campus on how to create a more inclusive workplace that promotes equality for all staff and foster diversity.


  • To chair committee meetings and disseminate information to committee members
  • To forge relationships with internal, external, regional and national networks relevant to the Race Equality Network
  • To maintain a strong relationship with HR and ensure that the network is adhering to and informing UoB policy with regards to race equality and diversity
  • To focus the direction of the network and recognise areas for development
  • To make recommendations for and review content in newsletters, the website and other publicity materials
  • To make representation to University committees, making sure the voices of staff are known

Fayeon Fyfield-Calder

I'm Fayeon and I joined the University in 2018 and have worked on a variety of Research Projects and Leadership Programmes across the University. My current role is Project Manager for the Birmingham Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) and the CRUK Clinical Academic Training Programme (CATP) where I am the Operational Lead for the ECMC and responsible for the delivery of the CATP. I joined The Race Equality Network and subsequently the Committee to promote race equality and diversity at the University. I have been The Race Equality Network Committee Secretary since 2021. My role as Secretary supports the Committee by capturing and maintaining accurate records of committee business, working with the Committee Chairs to prepare and send out the agenda in advance of committee meetings and secure meeting spaces for the Committee.


  • To book a room and take minutes at committee meetings 
  • To work with the Co-Chairs to prepare and send out the agenda in advance of committee meetings
  • To deal with any minor administrative tasks that arise between committee meetings

Kally Bhartti
Lead Events Officerkally-bhartti


I'm Kally and I'm the Project Operations Manager in the School of Engineering, implementing change projects to create improved business solutions. As part of the role and my personal ethos, I am keen to ensure the School and University is embedding EDI throughout all its activities. I am actively involved in the EDI actions that bring change and growth to our community. I am also keen to embed practice for long-term organisational behaviour and cultural change that gives everyone a sense of belonging. I am committed to progressing EDI in all its forms especially within the in-person and online events. If you have any event/campaign ideas, can support the organising and hosting of events or would like to attend any, please do get in touch with me. 


  • To contribute to the Race Equality Network strategy, campaigns, and awareness raising
  • To take a lead regarding the planning of network events
  • To plan the Network's Black History Month Programme in collaboration with the University's Equality and Diversity team
  • To organise a 12 month programme of events
  • To organise a range of social activities for members including meals out, informal networking, sporting events etc
  • To archive events relating to the Network

Natasha Nelson
Intranet Developernatasha-nelson

I'm Natasha and I have been part of the Network since it's inception in June 2017 and until I stepped down last year, I was one of the Co-Chairs. Since then I have continued to be the Intranet Developer and Committee member. I am passionate about race equality and have been involved in a number of initatives across the University to support and take action on race equality. In my day-to-day role I'm the Marketing Manager for the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. I look after marketing activity for our undergraduate, postgraduate, international and Dubai programmes.


  • To develop and manage the Network's intranet pages - www.birmingham.ac.uk/raceequality
  • To receive items for inclusion on the intranet
  • To regularly update the intranet

Sophie Cheng
Welfare Adviser


The role of the Welfare Adviser is:

  • To have conversations about mental health and wellbeing and raise awareness of the topic within the context of the ethnic minorities communities at the University
  • To promote and refer staff to the Employee Assistance Programme managed by the University, as well as other relevent services
  • To recognise trends in welfare based issues reported by staff, and bring to the attention of the committee for further action

Maisha Khatunmaisha-khatun

Shingai Dzumbirashingai-dzumbira

Outreach and Engagement Officers

I'm Maisha, Outreach Officer for the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. I plan, organise and host events for school students, specifically from widening participation backgrounds, so they can experience what university is like and feel inspired to continue studying STEM subjects. Coming from a disadvantaged background myself, I have experienced first-hand the difficulties widening participation students face when trying to access a good education and opportunities. I am incredibly passionate about race equality, inclusivity and diversity. I hope to help expand our Network by building positive relationships with other Networks both inside and outside of HE.


I'm Shingai and I joined the University in December 2022 as a Programme and Project Officer in the Birmingham Leadership Institute (BLI). I have experience relating to project management, strategy implementation, and excellent communication skills across complex organisations and boundaries. I work closely with clients, external partners, BLI associates and honorary fellos to deliver various projects and programmes within the BLI portfolio.


The role of the Outreach and Engagement Officer is:

  • To build networks outside of the University with other Race Equality Networks both inside and outside of HE
  • Produce best practice guidelines on types of engagement, frequency andf event types for successful Networks
  • To represent the Race Equality Network at Central Induction sessions and other relevant events on campus

Caroline O'Mara
Lorraine Mighty
Niyah Campbell 
Rachel Howes 
Sonia Parnell
Tendai Makuwatsine
Ethel Fitzjohn

General Membership

  • To support the committee with projects and tasks as required
  • To shadow 'named' committee members to gain insight into specific areas

Find out more about our general members


Vacancies on the Committee


1 x Support

Welfare Advisers


The role of the Welfare Advisers are:

  • To have conversations about mental health and wellbeing and raise awareness of the topic within the context of the ethnic minorities communities at the University
  • To promote and refer staff to the Employee Assistance Programme managed by the University, as well as other relevent services
  • To recognise trends in welfare based issues reported by staff, and bring to the attention of the committee for further action

1 x Lead
3 x Support (inc PGR)

Communications Officers

The role of the Communications Officers are:

  • To produce a quarterly newsletter for members of the network 
  • To write design briefs and work with approved suppliers to create publicity material
  • To write copy relating to the Network for internal and external e-cards and magazines (ie Buzz)
  • To provide quotes for relevant University of Birmingham press releases
  • To manage the Network's Twitter account

2 x PGR Reps

General Membership

  • To support the committee with projects and tasks as required
  • To shadow 'named' committee members to gain insight into specific areas



Professional Services