
Short Training Videos

Procurement have been developing short YouTube training videos to simple demonstrate to end users and requisitioners how to use core systems.  The list is as follows: 

Canvas Training

You can still access the canvas training area, showing step by step guides on how to raise requisitions also.  

A new Procurement Training session has now been created, and will serve as an excellent induction tool for new starters who will be working with core systems.  

Zoom training sessions

The Procurement Team regularly rolls out training to ensure all core systems users, to ensure all know how to raise Requisitions and are kept updated on any new procuredures or system updates which may affect the process.

We are currently running training sessions across the colleges and welcome additional participants, to any of these. 

Refresher Requisitioner Training

We recommend that all requisitioners attend one of these sessions annually.  For those who raise requisitions infrequently this can act as a refresher and a reminder. 

For more regular requisitioners; the refinments and updates to the processes are all included in this annual training and serve as a developing guide to how best to maintain accuracy and best practise.

Current training includes updates on Supply Chain, Tax and Overseas updates, HE Contracts, understanding receipting processes and how best to utilise the Management Pack.

You can view a recent recording of a training session and also a copy of our slides from the previous training.  

Receipting Training

It is important that receipting is done as soon as goods are delivered/services are completed.  Payment of suppliers relies upon this process being undertaken correctly.  

We encourage all requisitioners to attend one of these dedicated workshops; particularly those who are involved in research or ordering of medical suppliers, as it is these suppliers in particular that have had payment delays, due to receipting anomalies.  

Select the link for the date and time that you want to attend and register:

The slides for the last session can be downloaded here and the recording can be accessed here.  

RBS Requisitioner Training

We will be running an RBS Requisitioner Training, for those who want to know everything about how to raise a requisition to be paid by Purchase Card.

The slides for the session run on 23 November are available and a recording of the session can be accessed here.  Please use passcode:  x%6L#?a$

Requisitioner User Group Sessions

These sessions provide bite sized updates and presentations from Procurement, the Buying Team and one or two of our suppliers.  They are a useful resource to help the requisitoner and end user to get the most from core systems and provide a great opportunity to raise more in-depth questions.

We run these sessions every four months and, as we tailor them towards those who use the system and what to get the most out of it, we welcome agenda suggestions.  

The slides from our most recent Requisitioner User Group session in February, can be viewed here.  

Dubai 5% tax training session

For those of you based in Dubai, or who work closely with Dubai, this session is essential, so that you understand the how to work with and locate the Dubai 5% tax rate in core systems.  

This session took place on 1st November, and you can view the recording of the session here.  Please use passcode:

You can also download a copy of the slides.  

e-Marketplace Training

 This training is useful for all requisitioners who order stationery, furniture, IT hardware and software and scientific equipment.   

You can access a copy of this training via this link and by inputing the following password: 3Ksvw9%J

This link also features a live demo by One Advanced (the Software designers) and a run through how to raise a catalogue requisitions.  The slides for the July session can be downloaded also.  

Our Management Pack overview and training can be found on the dedicated intranet page.   




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