College news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.

Dr. Tarsem Singh Cooner Receives Prestigious Award for Innovating Child Protection Training

CoSS has a new University press officer

The College of Social Sciences has a new University Press Officer!
Tuesday 24th June 2014

Annual CREES Conference 2014

Staff, students and alumni of CREES plus some specially invited guests gathered at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park for the annual conference of the Centre for Russian and East European Studies (CREES) from 6-8 June 2014. Among the notable participants were distinguished historian, Catherine Merridale (who studied for her PhD at CREES), who talked about her prize winning book, Red Fortress: History and Illusion in the Kremlin, and former British Ambassador to the Soviet Union and Russia (1988-1992), Rodric Braithwaite who spoke about the history of intervention in Afghanistan.
Tuesday 24th June 2014

car2go has ceased operation in Birmingham

car2go has ceased operation in Birmingham
Tuesday 24th June 2014

Call for Research Proposals 2014-Faperj-University of Birmingham and University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham and University of Birmingham in association with FAPERJ, the Rio de Janeiro Research Foundation, have put an agreement in place to facilitate academic cooperation. The first initiative under these cooperation agreements is a fund to pump-prime cross-continent research collaborations in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Applications may also support the exchange of researchers (with doctoral degree or equivalent and post-doctoral fellows) from the State of Rio de Janeiro and from the United Kingdom within the scope of the Cooperation Agreement between FAPERJ and UoN and UoB.
Tuesday 24th June 2014

Notification of Potentially Disruptive Work

Diversion of the high voltage main around campus. Access is required to the service pits by the stairs on the footpath beside North Car Park. As a result the pedestrian route will be subject to ad-hoc closures over the next three weeks. Alternative routes will be clearly signed.
Monday 9th June 2014

New to the Business School: Dr Mark Hall

Tuesday 27th May 2014

Professional Services updates

Tuesday 27th May 2014

Crowd Out needs you!

The University of Birmingham's School of Music and the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group are looking for staff and students to take part in David Lang's new project and represent the University amongst a community and 'crowd' of 1000 people.
Tuesday 27th May 2014

Research outputs

Tuesday 27th May 2014
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