EUniWell Student Board

The European University for Well-being (EUniWell) is a European University network, which unites the universities of Birmingham (UK), Cologne (DE), Florence (IT), Leiden (NL), Linnaeus (SE), Nantes (FR), and Semmelweis (HU).         

EUniWell will offer students the opportunity to participate in programmes and initiatives delivered jointly across university campuses in seven different countries, experience challenge-based learning, and cooperate in inter-disciplinary teams to help tackle some of the biggest issues facing Europe today. Our aim is to deliver a meaningful and sustainable step-change to the well-being of our institutions, staff, students, and societies.

Students are at the centre of EUniWell and we are helping to shape the future of the alliance.

We aim:

  • to develop cross-campus platforms that will unite students,
  • focus on well-being of students,
  • develop long term partnerships with students across the alliance.

The well-being of students is one of our main priorities and we would like your help in aiding the establishment of our Birmingham Board of Students.

Why join the Birmingham Board of Students?

  • The Board of Students offers the opportunity to connect and work closely with a diverse group of students across Europe, and to shape a flagship European project. (UoB is one of only eight UK universities to be part of the European University Initiative)
  • Attending EUniWell events such as hackathons and conferences, including those held by the European Commission, has provided students with a unique insight into European education and policy systems.
  • Collaborating with students across Europe provides valuable networking an diplomacy skills
  • Excellent opportunities to add to your CV
  • We wish to make the Birmingham board as inclusive as possible, including students from undergraduate to postgraduate, from all colleges, to ensure the student voice is represented fairly.

If you are a student interested in finding out more about EUniWell opportunities, please contact the EUniWell Team:




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