A to Z of student services In 'Student intranet' Student intranetAcademic support and resourcesYour WellbeingStudent LifeCareers SupportLibrariesPersonal Development and OpportunitiesTravelling to and from campus A Academic Services Academic Skills Gateway Academic support Accommodation Alumni relations Appeals (Student Conduct) Aston Webb Student Hub B B-enterprising Bars and cafes on campus Birmingham Digital Education Birmingham International Academy Birmingham Project Book borrowing and library membership Buses C Canvas (Virtual Learning Environment) (Sign on required) Canvas support Careers Network Car Parking Changing course Chaplaincy Childcare Computing facilities on campus Computing help - see IT Service Desk Copyright Council tax Counselling - Mental health and wellbeing Cycling D Degree Congregations Departments listing - Schools and departments A-Z Diary - key student dates Digital and technology skills Directions Disability support E eLearning (Canvas support) Emergency contacts Employability English for international students Entrepreneurship Environment and sustainability Equality and diversity Events - University events Exam past papers - see my.exams tab in my.bham Exam results Exams support Exam timetables F Faith ceremonies Faith groups Fee payments Financial Support G Graduate School (Postgraduates only) Graduations Guild Advice (previously ARC) Guild of Students H Harassment, bullying and victimisation advice Health and disability awareness Health and Safety information I ID cards International Student Team (IST) IT Service Desk (Computing help) IT services for students IT training International students - Birmingham International Academy J Jobs for students Jobs on campus Just Ask - chat online with a librarian L Learning Support for students with specific learning difficulties Leave of absence Legislation (Charter, Statutes, Regulations) Library Library membership and borrowing Library catalogue Lost property M Maps and directions Mental health and wellbeing Misconduct my.bham - the student portal (Sign on required) Mobile apps (UoB) Module changes Modules and courses Modules, personal list of - view your registered modules via my.bham N News - student news News - University news Nursery facilities O On-campus jobs Opening hours P Parking and travel Past exam papers - access via my.bham PayPal - using your mobile to buy food and drink on campus PC clusters - facilities on campus to study Peer Assisted Study Sessions Permanent withdrawal Personal details (changing) Personal Skills Award Plagiarism Portal - my.bham Postgraduate courses Postgraduate research support »Progress» R Referencing (Icite) Registration Registered modules - view yours via my.bham (my.programme tab) Religious groups for students Religious services Research computing Resource lists (search by module) Room faults S Scholarships, grants, prizes and bursaries Schools and departments index Security Semester and term dates to 2023 Shops on campus Software sales Sport and Fitness (classes, facilities, membership, times) Sport and Fitness (student sport) Student accommodation Sports Centre facilities Sports clubs and teams Student Charter Student dates Student fees Student Funding Office Student groups Student Hub (in Aston Webb Building) Student portal - my.bham (Sign on required) studenthelp (online Student Hub) Students Union - Guild of Students Student surveys Study spaces Subject support (library) T Technology and digital skills Term dates to 2023 Timetables Train station Transcripts Transport A-Z U UoB mobile apps University Collections University train station V Visa enquiries Volunteering for students W Welcome Wellbeing and counselling Wireless / wifi Work on campus