Prize draw T&Cs
The NSS prize draw is open to all eligible final year undergraduate students at the University of Birmingham and runs from Monday 3 February - 31 March 2020 inclusive (Please note the survey will remain open until 30 April 2020).
Any entries received after the closing date (31 March 2020) will not be considered for the draw.
If the Old Joe trip is not viable then an alternative viewpoint on campus will be arranged.
There is no cash alternative.
The prize will need to be taken in 2020.
The prize draw winner will be notified by email from Student Services and the winner announced on the student intranet in May.
Further particulars of the Old Joe visit
Guests should be aware of and accept the following, which is aimed to ensure the safety of all involved:
- Guests will be accompanied by a trained support team.
- In normal operation, the group will travel up and down the clock tower in the lift from the ground floor. On no account may guests climb stairs that require safety harnesses unless instructed to do so.
- The lift has a weight restriction and no more than one or two guests can travel in the lift at any time. The lift will be operated by a member of the support team.
- The party must take great care not to drop any items within or over the clock tower parapet (drainage channels on the floor may allow a dropped item, such as a camera lens, to roll & fall from the tower).
- In the unlikely event of a problem support staff will provide instructions, which guests must carefully follow and without question.
- In the event of lift failure, guests may be required to descend up to ten flights of ship stairs wearing a full body harness. While the risk of this occurring is low we would point out that there is no current means of an assisted rescue. Guests should be physically capable and should be wearing or have with them reasonable shoes and clothing suitable to wear with a full body harness (provided) and descend the ship stairs.
- Guests who suffer from vertigo or other medical conditions listed must declare this to the organiser before the visit.
- During the visit (every 15 minutes) the clock will chime. This is quite loud in the upper platform; ear plugs are not mandatory, but can be made available on prior request.
- There are Peregrine Falcons nesting at the top of the clock Tower and on occasion they will be territorial (typically during March to June, they may fly at or even attack things they view as threats to their chicks). Should this occur visitors will be asked to return inside the clock tower and the visit may need to end.
- Visits may be cancelled without notice, especially due to adverse weather conditions or any safety concerns.