The University is committed to advancing race equality and successfully received Advance HE's Race Equality Charter (REC) Bronze Award in 2020. We will renew our award in 2025 and would like to hear from our students, so we can better understand the culture and experience of our students about race equality on campus.
Your voices drive change, and together we can work towards building a university where every student feel that they are supported and can achieve their best. Nearly 150 actions in our Race Equality Charter Action Plan 2020 were developed from inputs of over 5,000 students and staff.
During 2020 - 2025, the current Race Equality Charter cycle, we have managed to:
Remember, this journey towards race equality is ongoing, and we will continue to listen, learn, and act.
You have the opportunity to shape our next steps in creating a more inclusive experience for our students from all racial backgrounds. Your voice will help us identify what we need to work on over the next 5 years and what our priorities should be. Please share your feedback via the REC survey below and by registering for REC focus groups.
Complete the survey
Register for Focus Groups