Accepted your BIA offer

Now you've accepted your offer of a summer teaching post with the BIA, what's next? 

Following your acceptance of an offer from the BIA to teach on our presessional programme, HR will take the offer through the formal process. We hope the information on this page will help guide you through that process.

Returning tutors - application

  • HR will send an email asking you to submit an application for the role within the University's recruitment system. This is a formality to enable HR to create your record against the position you are to be employed in.
  • If you have worked for the University previously you may have an existing record  and will not be required to create a new profile. You will be able to simply log in to the system using the link in the email from HR, review and update your information. 
  • Your previous application will be stored in the system, making it easier for you to re-submit to the position you are being recruited to. Please ensure that all the information in your application is up to date.
  • It is important that you ensure that your employment history, qualifications, CPD records and referee details are correct/ current before submitting your application.
  • You will need to email with a current CV and any new qualifications. Your CV must include the contact details of your referees, one being from your most recent or current employer. Please ensure you provide email addresses for your references as references are requested electronically.

New tutors - application

  • HR will process your application through to the formal offer stage.
  • You must upload a current CV and relevant qualifications with your application. Your CV should include the contact details of your referees, one being from your most recent or current employer.  It is important to provide email addresses for your referees as references will be requested electronically.
  • It is important that you ensure that your employment history, qualifications, CPD records and Referee details are correct/ current before submitting your application.

Formal HR offer

  • HR will email a formal offer letter of employment to you. If you are satisfied with the offer you must accept this by email and provide the requested joiners information. If you have an international bank account you will need to inform HR as you need to complete an international Bank Account form. HR will need to enter these details for you.
  • HR will input the joining information you provided with your acceptance email onto the University core payroll and HR system. To avoid delays please accept and provide the completed information within 2 days of receiving the offer.

Key Tip

It is important to respond promptly so we can progress your offer and provide IT access for when you start.

To contact HR please email 

Eligibility to work

All employers in the UK have a responsibility as laid out in the Asylum and Immigration Act 2006 to prevent illegal working. In order to meet this responsibility employers are legally obliged to check the entitlement of anyone they plan to invite to undertake work. All workers (including UK nationals) are required to provide evidence that they are legally able to work in the UK.

We will need to conduct a RTW check before HR can issue a formal offer to you. If you rely on a Home Office check you can email your share code and date of birth to

If you hold a current British or Irish passport you can consent to an online check otherwise a face to face passport check will be necessary. Further details will be sent to you after you have accepted the initial offer.

If you hold an expired British or Irish passport this will need to be produced to conduct a check. 

Read more information on right to work  

Find more information on proving right to work and proving a share code.


  • Once your joining information has been added to our Core system, a staff ID number is generated (for new teachers). Returning teachers retain the same staff and payroll number.
  • If a DBS is required, you will be contacted by HR to make the application.

IT access to University systems

  • Providing that onboarding has happened in advance of your start date then the earliest your IT account will be available is on your start date, not before.
  • All other teachers will need to contact the IT Service Desk to gain access to your account. You will be asked to confirm your identity so please have your ID number to hand. If you have not yet been given your ID number please email:

Contacting the IT Service desk

Contact the IT Service Desk by phone: +44 (0) 121 414 7171

Use the IT Service Desk Contact Us Form: If you use the form, the IT Service Desk will respond by email asking you to confirm your identity.

Browse our IT Service Portal and search our knowledgebase, request access to services or report faults to the IT Service Desk.

Find more information on the IT Service Portal

References and referee contact details

  • It is a requirement of the British Council, who accredit the presessional programme that references are taken up prior to employment. The University is required to have 2 references, one of which must be from your most recent employer, even if that employer was the University.  
  • Please ensure that your referee contact details are up to date and include an email address and the referee is aware that a reference may be requested.

DBS checks

  • The presessional programme is open to students under the age of 18, and as such we are required to take the safeguarding of our students seriously.   If you are requested to have a DBS check HR will request DBS clearance before your appointment.
  • HR will provide you with a link to access the online DBS application and guidance notes as part of their onboarding process.
  • Once submitted, HR will need to see 3 forms of your ORIGINAL ID documents, for verification purposes, before Security Watchdog can process the application.  Your ID can also be verified at selected Post Offices for a small charge. More information can be found on their website.

Registered on the Update service?

  • HR will seek your consent to conduct a DBS check if you are registered for the DBS Update Service and your level of DBS is at the same level as required for this post, which is an Enhanced check with child barred list check. If you have a DBS check on the update service that is not at this level of check a new DBS application will need to be made.
  • If you have the required level, HR will need to see your original DBS certificate together with proof of ID before HR can perform the employer check.
  • If you wish to register to the DBS update service you can do so within 30 days of your certificate issue date. You can find more information on the government website.

Find more information on the DBS update service 

Bank details

  • The day after you have your IT access you will need to enter your bank details in the Core system. If you have and international bank accunt you will need to provide these details to HR to input on your behalf.
  • If you have worked at the University before, you may see your bank details in Core. This does not mean payment will be made to this account. If you wish to use the same account you will need to set up your payment method in Core. (Payment is always BACS).

How to enter your bank account details in Core 

  • On day two the new starter declaration form relating to both tax and pensions must be completed in Core. For those with an International bank, once your bank details have been added to Core by the HR Central Staffing Hub, you must then access Core Systems as soon as you have IT access to complete the New Starter Form declaration.

Remote access - IT Services

You no longer need to register for remote access.

Read more about the remote access service 

University ID cards

  • Prior to your start date, new staff will be required to send by email a passport style photograph for HR to prepare your ID card in readiness for your start. 
  • For returning staff, HR should already have a photograph in the system.  ID Cards can be collected from the Central Staff Hub in the Aston Webb Building B Block.
  • Photographs and requests for ID cards should be emailed to:
  • If you have changed your name please inform HR. They will request evidence of this change before they can update your record and reissue your ID card.

Please note that if you are working remotely, an ID card will not be issued.

Time card submissions for Casual tutors (10, 6 and 4 week)

  • Teachers on the 10, 6- and 4- week programme are on casual assignments and will need to submit weekly timesheets through Core.  
  • More information can be found in the next section ‘About to start work’ under HR and Payroll.

Check our FAQS for any questions you still have.

Tips on how to find HR information fast

  • The recruitment system operates better when using a faster browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox.
  • It is important to check your spam/junk e-mail folders as communications from the University’s recruitment system can struggle to get through individual security settings and firewalls.
  • If you have worked for the University in the last few years, your username and password in the recruitment system will remain the same.  If you have difficulty remembering your password, then you can request a password re-set.  Please note that it will take 24 hours for a password reset to come through for action.  Please do not make multiple requests. 
  • There is a FAQ page for using the University’s recruitment system which should be used to help you submit your application and help you trouble-shoot common errors.



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