BEAR Cloud Launch (2016)










Prof Tim Softley Dr John Owen Prof Jean-Baptiste Cazier ben-brown-snipped-113Prof Ben Brown
matt-z-snipedMatthew T. Ziegler woman-silh-for-bear-cloudDr Susan Morrell Martin Hamilton nick-loman-snippedDr Nick Loman
Simon Thompson Dr Dean Hildebrand Dror Goldenberg toni-collis-snappedDr Toni Collis



Christine-snippedDr Christine Kitchen Dr Johan de Joode Dr Ian Batten
Prof Jean-Baptiste Cazier Dr Toni Collis Simon Thompson


BEAR Cloud is the latest development of the advanced computing environment available to researchers at the University of Birmingham. It combines the power of High Performance Computing with the ease of access and flexibility of virtual computing environments.

General Information

This celebration marks the launch of the University of Birmingham’s new private cloud for computationally intensive research. Designed and built by the Research Computing Team of IT Services, BEAR Cloud exploits the latest technology to bring flexibility, accessibility and efficiency to the delivery of power computer for research.

During the day, you will hear from a diverse array of distinguished speakers who will talk about some of the cutting-edge science made possible by such approaches. We will also hear from key influencers of the National e-Infrastructure agenda as well as the technologists/partners who support BEAR Cloud and who will give an insight into the next generation of developments. There will also be an opportunity to join the debate with a panel session towards the end of the day.

Supported by kind sponsorship from OCF and others, the event will conclude with a drinks reception and an opportunity to network with the Team, colleagues and collaborators as well as suppliers and speakers.



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