School news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the school and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with. More news can be found at

Research Roundup

A summary of research events, external engagement, awards, activities and publications from Birmingham Business School in July 2016.
Wednesday 20th July 2016

Scholarships and Fellowships

News of a prestigious fellowship that has been secured by an economics PhD student and a chance to learn more about our latest crop of MSc Scholarship recipients.
Tuesday 21st June 2016

Deloitte Challenges the Birmingham MBA

Now in its sixth year, the Deloitte Consultancy Challenge offers a unique experience to MBA students at the Business School. The week long programme involves MBA students interacting with staff from Deloitte's Professional Services team.
Monday 20th June 2016

China Visit Aims to Create New Job Opportunities for Business School Students

Gloria Barber, the Postgraduate Employer Liaison Manager from the Business School's Careers in Business team, recently represented the Business School on a visit to Shanghai. The purpose of the trip was to engage with key employers in the region in order to establish employment opportunities for Business School graduates.
Monday 20th June 2016

Facilities Update

A comprehensive facilities update includes details on the Alan Walters Building, Ash House refurbishment, staff moves, the next phase of the School's building-branding activities, managed Print Service, and the School's enhanced Local Contingency Action Plan.
Monday 20th June 2016

Staff update

Catch up on a handful of role-changes from around the School, find out who has joined our ranks recently and offer a heart congratulations to Gary Hilton, recipient of the College GEM Award for the month of May.
Monday 20th June 2016

Research Roundup

A summary of research funding, events, external engagement, awards, activities and publications from Birmingham Business School in May and June 2016.
Monday 20th June 2016

New starters (April 2016)

All of the new members of academic and professional services staff in the Business School for April 2016.
Friday 29th April 2016

Fantastic twosome!

We're delighted to announce that two colleagues in the Undergraduate Team - Jenny Atkins (Student Advisor) and Neil Austin (Programme Administrator) - are the proud recipients of the student-led 'Fantastic' Awards.
Friday 29th April 2016

Exam Paper-Setting - We Did It!

A word of thanks from UG Team Leader Liz Elliot for the effort made by colleagues to ensure the exam-setting process has run smoother than ever this year.
Monday 25th April 2016
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