Ramadan at UoB

Our University of Birmingham Dubai Campus Provost, Professor Yusra Mouzughi, shares a personal message with the wider University community and invites us to be curious about Ramadan and reflect on some of the shared values that connect our community.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and its start date is determined by the sighting of the new moon. Also known as the month of the Qur'an, Muslims believe it is the month when the Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It is a holy month of reflection and fasting and Muslims are encouraged to increase their good deeds in Ramadan.

Throught Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating and drinking during the day from dawn to sunset, breakking their fast each evening with a meal called Iftar.The end of Ramadan is marked by the important festival of Eid Al-Fitr when many Muslims in non-Muslim countries may take the day off work to join in the celebrations.

Up to 14% of our Edgbaston campus student population is Muslim. Although observance may differ between individuals, nearly 5,000 Birmingham students will abstain from eating and drinking between the hours of sunrise and sunset during Ramadan. Alongside their academic duties, students typically have commitments to extra prayers and readings in addition to their usual religious practice.

Student Video: hear from our students on Edgaston and Dubai campuses 

Student blog: "My day in the life as student during Ramadan"

Student bog: "What Ramadan means to me"


Top tips for Muslim students during Ramadan

  • Drink plenty of juices or water between iftar and suhoor to keep your body hydrated throughout the day. Severe dehydration can lead to passing out.
  • Be disciplined about sleeping habits and intake of nutritious foods during iftar. You have a responsibility to fulfil your religious, academic, placement, or other commitments.
  • Individuals who are unwell, travelling, menstruating, pregnant, breastfeeding, or in young/old age are exempt from fasting.
  • The University’s Muslim chaplains can be consulted to discuss your thoughts and approach to Ramadan and fasting.
  • A Ramadan Health Guide from Communities in Action provides information on healthy fasting.
  • The University’s Code of Practice on Accommodating Students’ Religious Observance provides guidelines to support students who are managing their Ramadan commitments. You may find further information at the bottom of this page.
  • Students can connect with the Muslim community through UOBISOC.

Watch the top ten tips video

Faith spaces on campus

 The University's Multi-Faith Chaplaincy (building O2 on the campus map), by the Guild of Students, offers an inclusive space for prayer, meditation, relaxation and worship, among many other activities for all faiths groups and denominations, including ablution facility. Further facilities on campus can be found online

View campus map

How can I be supportive of Muslim students during Ramadan?

It is important to recognise that fasting and reduction of sleeping hours can leave individuals feeling more tired than normal, especially towards the end of the day. Circumstances for different individuals may vary, so it would be beneficial to have an earlier dialogue to discuss possible inclusive arrangements.

Considerations over meeting schedules during this period can support Muslim students in balancing their prayer patterns. The arrangement of a nearby quiet and private space to pray where possible is often much appreciated as many Muslims increase their worship during Ramadan.

Leave requests are also likely to be made to enable students to celebrate Eid with their families at the end of Ramadan. Staff are encouraged to demonstrate flexibility and understanding in line with the University’s Code of Practice on Accommodating Students’ Religious Observance to support students who are managing their Ramadan commitments. You may find further information at the bottom of this page.

What is the cultural etiquette during Ramadan as a non-Muslim in Muslim countries and the UK?

Ramadan traditions, rules, and cultural etiquette could be different country by country. It is important to familiarise yourself with local expectations when you are abroad on university activities. Muslims always say or write 'Peace be upon him' after the Prophet Muhammad's name, you can shorten it to (pbuh). Muslim countries, including Dubai, normally have designated screened-off areas for non-Muslims to eat and drink during the daytime. There would also be expectations concerning dressing etiquette and other social activities.

In the UK, you should carry on business as usual as a non-Muslim. You do not have to fast even if your best friends are observing. You can eat in front of Muslim students or staff, although, it might be polite to ask first. It is also a courtesy to try not to schedule working lunches during Ramadan. They can go for a coffee chat with you, but they would take a pass on eating or drinking. You can also join your Muslim peers and friends for Iftar, which a big communal meal as the breaking of the fast after sundown. Previous UOBISOC’s Community Iftar in the Green Heart was attended by over 400 students, staff, and community members. For greetings, you may say ‘Ramadan Mubarak' or 'Ramadan Karim' (meaning Happy Ramadan). Your Muslim friends will appreciate the thoughtfulness.

What's on during Ramadan?

The UoB Islamic Society have their annual Ramadan Project where the society put on various events on campus from daily Iftars and Halaqat (discussion) circles, to Qur'an classes every week, as well as daily Taraweeh prayers. 

Additionally, UoB Islamic Society usually host the very popular and much-anticipated Community Iftar.

The society aim to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Whether you're looking to deepen your knowledge of Islam, connect with like-minded individuals, or simply enjoy the company of others during the blessed month, absolutely everyone is welcome. 

To find out more, contact UoB's Islamic Society



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