Library representatives

 Library representatives for each school/department are listed below (sorted by college and school).

Library representatives are generally members of academic staff who are key school or department advocates for the library. Working with the Library Engagement Advisor for your College, they act as a contact point for your School or Department and provide a channel of communication for library updates and developments.

Library representatives play an important role in collection development and act as a conduit with Library Services for annual collections processes. They coordinate requests for library resources for your School or Department, including authorising the purchase of interlibrary loans and books to support research.

The purchase of books to support teaching is done through the University’s Resource List system – the Library Engagement Advisor for your College will be able to help staff new to Resource Lists

For more information please see our page on ordering books.

Arts and Law

English, Drama and Creative Studies

History and Cultures


Modern Languages, Music and History of Art

Philosophy, Theology and Religion

Engineering and Physical Sciences


Computer Science

Chemical Engineering

Engineering (EESE, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering) 


Metallurgy and Materials

Physics and Astronomy

Life and Environmental Sciences


Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences


Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences

Medical and Dental Sciences



Medical School


Social Sciences



School of Government

Social Policy


Professional Services