College news

Keep up to date with the latest news and events from around the college and the wide-ranging projects our staff and students get involved with.

Dr. Tarsem Singh Cooner Receives Prestigious Award for Innovating Child Protection Training

Meet our Staff: Professor Kiran Trehan

Professor Kiran Trehan is Professor of Leadership and Enterprise Development and the leading expert on diversity, enterprise and leadership development in the Department of Management at Birmingham Business School. As well as teaching on the Msc HRM Leadership development course, the MBA and PhD students, Kiran sits on the Evidence and Data Task force for Enterprise Directorate and the Department for Business Innovation and Skills. Her research is in enterprise and leadership development and critical action learning which involves the active engagement of policy makers and practitioners on issues relating to diversity, enterprise and leadership development. We met with the running enthusiast to find out more about her past, her research and who she is outside of work.
Wednesday 24th April 2013

Meet the Team: Web team

Meet the team: College of Social Sciences' Web Team. The School and College's external facing websites are created, maintained, and updated by the College Web Team. All schools within the college have a dedicated Web Coordinator that works closely with their respective Marketing Officer. As part of the College Marketing Team, the Web Team develops and steers overall strategy for web across the College and Schools and also responds to day to day requests and updates relating to web.
Tuesday 23rd April 2013

New additions to CoSS

Learn about the latest staff updates within the College
Tuesday 23rd April 2013

Centre for Research in Race and Education update

It has been just over two months since the Centre for Research in Race & Education (CRRE) was launched with the support of Doreen Lawrence OBE. Over 150 people turned up on the evening, including many from the local community who told CRRE that it was the first time they had visited the University. The Centre was delighted to also receive messages of support from David Lammy MP and Dr Rob Berkeley, Director of Runnymede
Tuesday 23rd April 2013

U21 Staff Fellowships, invitation for applications – Deadline 30th May

Universitas 21 Staff Fellowship Programme is inviting a second round of applications this academic year and as many staff as possible are being encouraged to take advantage of this excellent opportunity.
Tuesday 23rd April 2013

TRAC data image

Friday 19th April 2013

Workshop: Integrating Labour and Skills into Global Value Chains

The Global Value Chains Research Group is organising an international workshop on 'Integrating Labour and Skills into Global Value Chains' at the Business School.
Friday 19th April 2013

Meet the Team: Alumni Relations

The Alumni Relations Team is here to deliver bespoke events, tailored communications and a variety of volunteer opportunities, which encourage graduates to directly support the Business School's ambition, objectives and targets in areas such as student recruitment, enhancing the student experience and curriculum development.
Friday 19th April 2013

News from Departments: Accounting and Finance

The latest news from the Department of Accounting and Finance.
Friday 19th April 2013

Marleen Vanstockem, Going the Extra Mile (GEM) award

The College Doctoral Research Coordinator and Doctoral Research Administrator Team Leader, Marleen Vanstockem, was nominated for this award for the stellar support she has given to the College Director of Research & Knowledge Transfer over the past six months.
Friday 19th April 2013
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