Alumni Leadership Mentoring Programme (ALMP) mentors

Our ALMP mentors have a wealth of experience to offer and cross over a number of different sectors.

Our mentors are all University of Birmingham Alumni who have gone on to senior leadership roles within their field. They are from a range of sectors and backgrounds, all kindly volunteering their time to support you with your career journey.

Please see below our current ALMP mentors for the academic year 2024/25:

View all ALMP mentors

Adam Fowle profile


Professor Alan Boyd profile


Dr Andrew Vallance-Owen profile


Dr Barry Cockcroft profile


Ben Shephard


Charlie Weller


Cilla Snowball


Henrietta Brealey



Shahbaz Khan new photo





Hilary Spencer


Jane Collins profile


Marilyn Comrie


2Martin Bennett


Martin-Devinish new


Mayank Patel



Richard Swann


Dr Sam Decombel


Sarah Cox profile


Sarah Fahy profile


Vanessa Higgins


Arts, Drama, Theatre, Music mentors

Ben Shephard


Vanessa Higgins


Business, Management mentors

adam fowle


Dame Cilla Snowball




Henrietta Brealey


Jane Collins


Marilyn Comrie


Martin Bennett


Martin-Devinish new


Mayank Patel


Richard Swann


Sarah Cox profile


Sarah Fahy profile


Vanessa Higgins


Charities, Third sector mentors

Jane Collins


Hilary Spencer




Consultancy mentors

ALMP Mentor Alan Boyd




Education mentors

Hilary Spencer




Engineering and Technology mentors

Marilyn Comrie


Entrepreneurship mentors

ALMP Mentor Alan Boyd




Henrietta Brealey


Marilyn Comrie


Martin Bennett


Martin-Devinish new


Mayank Patel


Dr Sam Decombel


Finance mentors


Martin Bennett


Martin-Devinish new


Mayank Patel


Richard Swann


Government and Policy mentors

Henrietta Brealey


Sarah Cox profile


Hilary Spencer


Sarah Fahy profile


Shahbaz Khan new photo


Health care mentors

ALMP Mentor Alan Boyd




Dr Barry Cockcroft profile


Jane Collins


Dr Sam Decombel


Charlie Weller


Life sciences/ Pharmaceutical mentors

ALMP Mentor Alan Boyd


Charlie Weller



Professional Services