End of Session In 'End of Session' 2023/24 Exam Board datesExamination Board guidance and resources 2023/242023/24 BIRMS functionality for EoSBOXI - Taught EoSDealing with BIRMS End of Session errorsWeighted Marks ReckonersFAQs - End of SessionNon-standard graduate taught programmes (NSPs)Taught ContactsJargon busterEnd of SessionPGR End of SessionPGR EoS processing - download guideBOXI for PGR EoSPGR Progress Decisions / ARTsPGR Programme Transfers / ATASPGR Contacts2022/23 Exam Board dates2022/23 Exam Board guidance (UG/PGT)2022/23 BIRMS functionality for EoS2021/22 - BIRMS functionality for EoS2021/22 - PGT Exam Board guidance2021/22 - UG Exam Board guidance2020/21 - UG Exam Board guidance2020/21 - PGT Exam Board guidance2019/20 - EAPF Exam Board / EoS information Back to 'Registry' This content has now been migrated to SharePoint, and can be accessed at https://bham.sharepoint.com/sites/asr/SitePages/endsession.aspx Taught EoS processing guidance Useful information and resources: Exam Boards and End of Session processing for taught students PGR EoS processing guidance Useful information and resources: End of Session processing for PG Researchers EoS Jargon Buster Information about University and BIRMS terms - what do they mean?
Taught EoS processing guidance Useful information and resources: Exam Boards and End of Session processing for taught students
PGR EoS processing guidance Useful information and resources: End of Session processing for PG Researchers