Are there incorrect module recommendations you could fix?

When calculating degree classifications, if you encounter errors stating that a student has too many or insufficient credits, check whether there are incorrect module recommendations you can fix.  

D button in BIRMS page ES02 - to access Degree Classification Working Out pagebutton in ES02 will show you the degree classification working out, which is a useful  overview and a clear delineation of programme stages

For example, where specific EC recommendations are applied to a module mark for second/third attempts at an assessment, but their relationship with the recommendation from the previous assessment period creates an error

  • Module 12345     Previous mark/recommendation = 35/RS     Current mark/recommendation = 0/ME
    • Either Extenuating Circumstances were agreed in both cases, and it's a second attempt at a sit (and therefore uncapped), so the RS for the previous attempt should be corrected retrospectively to MX or MI and the ME would then be appropriate for the current attempt;
    • Or no Extenuating Circumstances were agreed for the previous attempt, but Extenuating Circumstances were agreed for the current attempt, in which case it’s a second (capped) attempt, so the RS can remain for the previous attempt, but ME  obviously isn't appropriate for the current attempt - use a more appropriate recommendation, such as SE.

Another example may be where an alternative module has been substituted in place of the original module for the reassessment, the module recommendation should one of:

  • SB (Substitute the module) – for students who are taking an alternative module as a substitute in the next academic year
  • MB (Substitute the module as a first sit) – for students with agreed EC’s who are taking an alternative module as a substitute in the next academic year

How to fix incorrect module recommendations in BIRMS ME05 Calculate/Amend Module Marks page

The 'SB' and 'MB' substitute recommendations create a relationship between the original and substitute modules to enable BIRMS degree classification calculation to treat the substitute registration as a reassessment of the original module reflecting the credits appropriately, rather than treating the original and substitute module registrations separately.

Actions to take:

  • Update the recommendation if it is not correct – this should enable the degree classification calculation process to calculate these module accurately
  • As you will be changing recommendations retrospectively once marks/recommendations have already been released, process these using the ‘Correction Approved’ (PDF - 243Kb) function in ME05


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