Facilities for Cyclists

There are several facilities and services to enable you to get the most out of cycling to main campus, Selly Oak campus, and our accommodation villages.

The sections below detail where you can find cycle parking, showers, the campus bike shop, and information about the university's bicycle user group.


Map of Facilities

There are 1800+ cycle parking spaces and 50+ showers across campus, which can be found with this map, produced by the university's bike user group (BUBUG).

  • The green cyclist logos designate cycle parking facilities.
  • The blue cyclist logos designate cycle parking facilities not managed by the University.
  • The blue pushpins designate showers open to all staff and students.
  • The red pushpins designate showers open only to those authorised to enter that part of the building.

 These facilities can also be found on the excellent campus map mobile app.

Gear Up—Campus Bike Shop

Gear Up is the campus cycle shop and repair service in Staff House Square. Please see their website for opening times and updates.

No ordinary bike shop, Gear Up is a social enterprise run by James and Stewart. Expert bike mechanics, they train and mentor young people, giving them skills for life and inspiring hope one bike at a time.

To book in with the team, please use the booking system on their website. Alternatively, email sustainabletravel@contacts.bham.ac.uk for the link. Services include:

  • Free bike checks for UoB staff and students
  • Servicing, maintenance and new parts
  • Sales of bikes and accessories, including Cycle-to-Work orders
  • Self-service track pump
  • Discounted D-locks

Bicycle User Group

The university has an active bicycle user group called BUBUG.

BUBUG was formed in 1996 and since then they have been involved in lots of activities, worked constructively to promote cycling and provide a wide range of extremely helpful and supportive information on cycling.



Professional Services