Apply for a parking permit In 'Travelling to and from campus' Travel Survey 2024Travelling to campusApply for a parking permitCycling courses and eventsCycling on and around campusFacilities for cyclistsHire a bikeHire a carKeep your bike secureLow-traffic cycle routesParking Charge NoticesParking on campusParking with RingGoTravel Survey 2024 resultsTravelling by busTravelling by carTravelling by trainWalking on campusWest Midlands bikes and e-scooters Back to 'Student intranet' You'll need a permit to park on campus. Parking enforcements are in operation; you may receive a Parking Charge Notice if you park without a permit or are in contravention of the University's Traffic Regulations. As parking spaces for students are incredibly limited, only eligible students will receive a permit. To be eligible, you must fulfill at least one of the following criteria: You're a Blue Badge holder – you must submit clear images of both sides of your badge when you apply. If you haven't got a Blue Badge but have a disability or medical reason for applying, please get in touch with our Student Disability Service. The team will meet with you to discuss your needs and refer you to us if they believe you're eligible for a parking permit. Your term-time address is over ten miles away from the University – the address given on your application must match the term-time address on your student record (the one you registered when you started uni). If your home address is the same as your term-time address, this must be reflected on your student record. You can update your record at any time through our online registration portal. You have dependents of primary school age (11 or under) who live with you at your term-time address, which is over three miles away from the University – you'll need proof of address, as well as a copy of your dependent's birth certificate. Other documents can be accepted so long as they state you and your dependent's name and date of birth. If you have dependents and live within three miles of the University, you are not eligible for a permit. You're a registered carer to a disabled family member at their permanent home address – you'll need confirmation of your carer status (e.g., Carer Registration letter, Carer's Allowance letter, or a letter from your GP). Personal details Title Initial Surname Student ID number Term time address Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City County Postcode Country Your term time address MUST match the address registered with student services. University email address this should be your address College / Department Course end date Vehicle details Vehicle registration number Vehicle make/model Vehicle colour Please indicate under which criteria you qualify for a student parking permit Your address is over 10 miles away from the UniversityYou are a disabled blue badge holderYou have dependent children under the age of 11 and live over 3 miles awayYou are a Registered carer Please upload supporting documents Suitable documentation: Valid blue badge; Recent utility bill; Child passport or child tax credit document; Carer Registration Document To know how the University uses your data please read our privacy notice Submit Parking at student accommodation If you live at The Vale Village or Pritchatts Park Village, you can apply for a resident parking permit to park outside your accommodation. These are allocated on a need-by-need basis by the Student Living team; visit your village reception to get yours. Please note that you cannot use a resident parking pemit to park on main campus. Find out more