Educational Enterprise News

All the latest news stories, events and announcements from Educational Enterprise, as well as blog posts from the UoB UX Community.

Building belonging online and why it's critical to academic success

EE News: A new report from Pearson and Wonkhe shows that building a sense of belonging in a University course is critical for students to achieve academic success. What can be done to build a sense of belonging for online distance learners?
17 January 2023
Shape, Build, Run: An academic's perspective.

Shape, Build, Run: An academic's perspective.

EE News: We spoke to Dr Crayton Walker about his recent experience of developing a microcredential in collaboration with Educational Enterprise. He offers up some useful insights for other academics who are embarking on the process for the first time.
22 August 2022
Become a Ghost Hunter

Become a Ghost Hunter

EE News: Ghosting can be described as when a person cuts off all communication without any warning or notice. We often refer to this as student retention.
01 July 2022
The Competition and Markets Authority

The Competition and Markets Authority

EE News: Over the past year, Educational Enterprise has been building a new piece of training to form part of the Staff Induction series, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
01 July 2022
Mental Models, Online Learners and Broken Escalators

Mental Models, Online Learners and Broken Escalators

UX Blog: So why do broken escalators feel so strange and weird? Essentially they have just turned into a set of stairs like any other.
14 June 2022
The 3 Steps to Increase Distance Learning Recruitment and Conversion

The 3 Steps to Increase Distance Learning Recruitment and Conversion

EE News: With a more simplified and user focused application process and a clear focus on conversion, we can immediately see an increase in distance learning start numbers.
25 March 2022
Success and Missteps

Success and Missteps

EE News: A commitment to continuous improvement is vital to all that we do as we shape and build new fully online courses. Small, timely changes can result in big improvements over time.
24 March 2022
User Research: Who Tutors the Tutors? (part 1)

User Research: Who Tutors the Tutors? (part 1)

UX Blog: "Yes, marking and preparation are important, but the key thing that Tutors do is communicate and engage with their students."
24 February 2022
Interactive Learning: Articulate Storyline

Interactive Learning: Articulate Storyline

EE News: One of the most effective methods of keeping learners engaged with course material and encouraging retention is interactivity. But interactivity is not just limited to face-to-face teaching.
17 February 2022
Trust the Process: A Case Study

Trust the Process: A Case Study

EE News: Have you ever watched somebody create a piece of art, or perhaps watched somebody apply makeup, and struggled to envision what the end-result will look like? Sometimes we need to see it in order to believe it. This can also be applied to the design process of distance learning.
17 February 2022
Choice Paralysis In Online Distance Learning

Choice Paralysis In Online Distance Learning

UX Blog: By addressing choice paralysis we are improving user engagement, and also increasing the speed of decision making which is detrimental to a positive user experience.
31 January 2022
Why Tom Hanks IS The Best UX Designer... Ever!

Why Tom Hanks IS The Best UX Designer... Ever!

UX Blog: Any uncertainties or doubts you may have about adopting a User Experience approach and putting your users first is put to rest through watching the Tom Hanks film 'Big'.
09 December 2021
Embracing Imposter Syndrome Creates A Better User Experience

Embracing Imposter Syndrome Creates A Better User Experience

UX Blog: It's only by asking why? and constantly questioning what and why we do what we do that we can truly drill down to achieving the best possible results for both ourselves and our users.
17 November 2021
Presenting UX to a Global Audience

Presenting UX to a Global Audience

UX Blog: Educational Enterprise will be presenting at this years global Canvas event, InstructureCon Online 2021. Matt will be sharing the stage with other industry leading experts and also keynote speaker, Grammy-Award-Winning musician and tech entrepreneur
05 October 2021
InstructureCon Online 2021

InstructureCon Online 2021

EE News: We are pleased to announce that Educational Enterprise will be presenting "A UX (user experience) Approach to Online Distance Learning" at this years global Canvas event InstructureCon 2021. This years event will be online and take place on the 7th October 2021.
30 September 2021

Canvas Caravan Event 2021

EE News: Educational Enterprise have been invited to present at the first ever 'Canvas Caravan' virtual event in October 2021. A virtual roadshow connecting educators with their communities. Attendees can follow the Canvas bus on a digital platform as it "stops" in the different pods.
29 September 2021

A research field is emerging and gaining popularity

EE News: The idea of the university being 'unbundled' has been growing in higher education studies for a while.
29 September 2021

Collaborating with Colleges and FutureLearn

EE News: Educational Enterprise is collaborating with Colleges and FutureLearn to shape the first two credit-bearing microcredentials.
29 September 2021

QAA Quality Insights Event

EE News: Educational Enterprise and Dr Sarah Montano (CoSS Distance Learning Lead) presented at the 'Quality Insights Digital Conference 2021: Engaging Students and Connecting Curricula in a Digital Future' event on the topic of 'Postgraduate Research Student Experience'.
29 September 2021
What Is An Experience?

What Is An Experience?

UX Blog: Thanks to competition driven by league tables, NSS surveys and growth, ensuring a good student experience goes beyond getting a degree. It's worth stopping and thinking about what we mean by an experience...
29 March 2021
Displaying 1 to 20 of 26
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