Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

A word cloud illustrating the use of enterprise terminology in the RDF – link to word doc.

The terms enterprise and entrepreneurship can be confusing, often associated with starting a business venture however, they simply refer to the generation and application of ideas to address practical situations (QAA definitions). They aren’t so much skills, but rather a collection attributes - in fact there are 38 descriptors within the Researcher Development Framework which relate to enterprise.

 Accessible version of the enterprise word cloud image (Word - 14KB)

The very act of deciding to undertake a postgraduate research degree demonstrates enterprise skills and attributes such as having an inquiring mind, enthusiasm and perseverance.

You have had to identify a gap or need or problem which you are addressing through your research, therefore you have generated an idea, spotted an opportunity and worked out a strategy to explore it.

Case Study: PGR Researchers Frankie Lewns and Paris Lalousis, founders of Bloomwise

No matter what career you have in mind, enterprise skills will help you. For a career in academia, enterprise skills will help you have impact with your research – opening up options such as commercialisation, spin-out, licensing, participatory research and successful grant applications. For others within the UoB PGR community they are using their skills to creating new opportunities , opening up different futures for themselves.

University of Birmingham start-up community (Video transcript)

Here's how we can help you and how you can get involved

PGR Innovation Challenge

The PGR Innovation Challenge has been created especially for PGRs to help you enhance your research, analysis, teamwork, communication, and presentation skills, and to get experience in applying these skills in a context beyond academia.

The challenge involves working in a team with other PGRs to choose one of the seventeen United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) identified to tackle the biggest challenges in today’s world, and to develop an innovative solution. The challenge will also equip you with entrepreneurial skills valuable to any career area and will help you to broaden your horizons when it comes to future career options.

For more information on the PGR Innovation Challenge, or to sign up, please see the event page on Careers Connect.

Virtual Consultancy Challenge

The Researcher Virtual Consultancy Challenge is a fantastic opportunity for PGRs to remotely participate in a challenge which gives them an insight into the world of consultancy, enabling you to develop your employability and entrepreneurial skills. The challenge will be underpinned by a set of five online entrepreneurial modules, which you will complete independently. Find out more about the Virtual Consultancy Challenge on Careers Connect.

Business start-up advice

If you have started a business, have an idea for a business (including consultancy) or are interested in commercialising your research you can book a Business Start-Up Advice appointment with the B-Enterprising Team.

Click here for more information about Business Start-Up Advice appointments.


B-Enterprising is a hub of enterprise and entrepreneurship support based within Careers Network. The team offer a range of programmes, start-up training, freelance workshops, online tools, funding and more. 

You can get everything you need from the B-Enterprising Team to help you develop enterprise skills, commercialise your research or start your own business or consultancy.

Visit the B-Enterprising website

11030 Being Enterprising Ident - CMYK Blue Landscape

PG Skills Series

This series of live online interactive workshops and asynchronous resources covers the key skills employers tell us they are looking for. The aim of the series is to help you to survive and thrive in the post-COVID-19 job market.

Join the Canvas course to access resources and attend online workshops.



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