Here are the features and fixes included in the latest website release on Wednesday 8 March 2023.
New features
Content types and entries (applies to /news /study and /jobs sections)
- Accommodation village - a new content type has been created for student accommodation villages (e.g. the Vale), which offers the same components as standard content, but can be used to create accommodation listings.
- External link - editors now have the ability to add an email address to the external link content type, in addition to URLs and telephone numbers
- Accommodation room - a new content type has been created for student accommodation rooms, which offer the editor the ability to add a heading, description, photo gallery, key features and location/map. These can now be added to the CMS. In a future sprint we will build an accommodation room filter, which will enable prospective students to browse and filter by criteria to find their perfect room.
- News landing page branded content section - additional padding added to second story in list, to make this consistent with those below
- News landing page - src set added to featured panel section, which means that images will only be served at the maximum size required for the device. Therefore the page will load more quickly on mobiles and smaller devices,
- Featured search result - we now have the ability to add 'featured' results to our site search, for particular search terms. These will appear right at the top of the results, linking through to a specified page.
- Text with background - editors now have the ability to add a single button to this component. If a blue or grey background has been applied, the button will appear within the background colour, underneath the text. Padding has also been added to the top and bottom of this component, to help it stand out on the page.
Contensis Classic (applies to rest of site)
- UoB news listing control - the styling of the title is now a 'board title', consistent with the events control
Bug fixes
Content types and entries
- Site footer - social media icons are now coded as a list, which is helpful for those using a screenreader
- Quote - now styled as standard paragraph text, rather an a heading
Contensis Classic
- Header and footer - logo links are now both, and Accommodation directs straight to /accommodation/index.aspx with no redirect (accessibility fixes)
- Site footer - social media icons are now coded as a list, which is helpful for those using a screenreader